♥Warning and Copyright♥

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Warning: This story contains graphic material whether it be violence, sexual interactions, strong language, LGBT+ interactions, heterosexual interactions, unfinished endings on some occasions, and possible triggers. Reader discretion is advised, and the author holds no responsibility for any negative effects that the reader or others likewise may gain within viewing this material. Trigger warnings and other tags will be added to the below list as time goes on as well as prior to the beginning of chapters.

Current Tags: Major character death, heterosexual relationship, homosexual relationship, pansexuality, vampire, biting, blood, car accident, supernatural, lgbt, death, genderfluidity, non-fandom, cussing, OCD, witchy, demons, fluff, smut, etc.


If I write something that seems trigger-able then I shall be sure to put a trigger warning on the chapter. It'll look like this: TRIGGER WARNING

All chapters containing sex or actions equivalent to such will have this warning: ♥Particularly Salacious♥


Copyright © 2018 by Hazel M. Bell

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

A/N: I am writing this for a bit of fun when everything else gives me a block, so I don't know where I will go with it, but I am trying to do a bit of normalization in this book with regards to the LGBT+ community. Meaning there will be multiple characters with differing genders, identities, and preferences with not that big a deal made out of it. Or, at least, that's what I am trying for. I hope you enjoy it.

Also something notable would be that I am not Genderfluid myself, so if I fuck anything up, please tell me so I can fix it. Please. I don't wish to offend anyone and where I did research I am not perfect by any means. I will try my best though.  During this book there will be multiple switches in pronouns as the character (Clement/Clementine) I created doesn't hold particular favor out of the she/her, /he/him, they/them, but does refer to themselves in the appropriate pronouns for what they are feeling that particular day, moment, etc. I try to do this smoothly in a way that would be understandable. I'm uncertain if this is 100% correct, but when I did research and talked to a few Genderfluid people it differed. Some say that they very clearly feel one gender one day and a different the next and go so far as going by different names/nicknames that help them feel particular. Others said that they just subtly feel more feminine/masculine occasionally and don't switch their pronouns or their names up.

I am trying my best to represent, if you have any tips/pointers/questions, hit me up.

As always, later, Dolls. ♥

Clearly Clementi̶n̶e̶Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin