Capitulo 10

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Después, al llegar a casa de Marie, Michael y yo nos bajamos de la moto mientras el me dedicaba una sonrisa y insistía en llevar mis maletas.

-¡Ya hemos llegado!-Grito Mike haciendo que Marie se asomara por las escaleras y gritara al vernos.

-Tenemos mucho de que hablar, ven-Marie me tomo mi mano , pero Michael la detuvo.

-Estará conmigo, vete-Dijo Michael, riendo y pasando su brazo por mis hombres, al instante me sonroje y reí mirando a Marie.

-Ven, preciosa. Te tengo una sorpresa-Dijo Mike caminando a las escaleras y besando mi frente.

Vi como Michael se sonreía y me llevaba al patio y Marie se nos quedaba mirando haciendo señas para que luego le contara todo.

-¿Que haces?-Le pregunto a Mike.

-Llevo a una princesa para darle una sorpresa-Me sentó en el césped y el igual solo que con una guitarra en sus manos.

Mire confundida a Michael y me senté en el pasto mirándolo.

Michael se senté frente a mi con la guitarra en las manos. Paso la uñeta por las cuerdas y me miro a los ojos cantándome.

"Well let me tell you a story 

About a girl and a boy 

He fell in love for his best friend 

When she's around, he feels nothing but joy 

But she was already broken, and it made her blind 

But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right 

But did you know that I love you? or were you not aware? 

You're the smile on my face 

And I ain't going nowhere 

I'm here to make you happy, i'm here to see you smile 

I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while 

Who's gonna make you fall in love 

I know you got your wall wrapped on all the way around your heart 

You're not gon' be scared at all, oh my love 

But you can't fly unless it lets ya, 

You can't fly unless it lets ya, so fall 

Well I can tell you're afraid of what this might do 

Cause we got such an amazing friendship and that you don't wanna lose 

Well I don't wanna lose it either 

I don't think I can stay sitting around while you're hurting babe 

Come take my hand 

Well did you know you're an angel? who forgot how to fly 

Did you know that it breaks my heart everytime to see you cry 

Cause I know that it pains if he's gone everytime he move over on the shoulder you crying 

And I hope by the time that i'm done with this song that I figure out 

Who's gonna make you fall in love 

I know you got your wall wrapped on all the way around your heart 

You're not gon' be scared at all, oh my love 

But you can't fly unless it lets ya, 

You can't fly unless it lets ya, so fall 

I will catch you if you fall 

I will catch you if you fall 

I will catch you if you fall 

But if you spread your wings 

You can fly away with me 

But you can't fly unless it lets ya, 

You can't fly unless it lets ya so fall 

Who's gonna make you fall in love 

I know you got your wall wrapped on all the way around your heart 

You're not gon' be scared at all, oh my love 

But you can't fly unless it lets ya, 

You can't fly unless it lets ya, 

So fall in love 

I know you got your wall wrapped on all the way around your heart 

You're not gon' be scared at all, oh my love 

But you can't fly unless it lets ya, 

You can't fly unless it lets ya, so fall 

I will catch you if you fall 

I will catch you if you fall 

I will catch you if you fall 

If you spread your wings 

But you can't fly unless it lets ya 

Let yourself fall 

You can fly away with me."

Al final de la canción hice que soltara la guitarra y le abracé fuertemente, poniendo mis manos alrededor de su cuello.

-¿Que te pareció?-Me dijo alejándome de el y poniendo sus manos sobre mis hombros mirando mi expresión.

-Hum.. no estuvo mal-Le dije poniéndome seria y haciendo que el se pusiera cabizbajo.

-¡Mentira! ¡Me encanto!-Le grite haciendo que nuestros labios se juntaran y hacían un tierno beso.

I will give everything for her - Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now