That wasn't her usual nature. She was usually a strong and harsh woman, but with you, she softened because you were family to her as well. You were family to all Starks in Castle Black.

You smiled at Lady Stark and began to walk to the courtyard to greet Bran and Robb. You walked quickly, excited to see Robb and Bran after being gone for 2 years.

You enter the courtyard to see Robb teaching Bran archery. Things are silent for a while, before Bran hits the target dead center. Robb smiles and pats Bran on the back, turning to leave Bran to practice. When he turns, he notices you sitting on one of the steps in the courtyard.

"Lady (Y/N)?!" Robb ran up to you, taking you by the hands and embracing you in a tight hug.

"No need for formalities, Robb." You smile and enjoy the warmth of your friend.

"I am so glad to see you, (Y/N). Everything has been falling apart since Jon left for the Nights Watch."

You pull away from Robb, your face expressionless, "What do you mean Jon left for the Nights Watch?" Your voice shook with every breath.

"He's gone to The Wall, (Y/N)." Robb's voice was sympathetic as well as his looks.

Everything after that went fuzzy. Days passed by, you wouldn't come out of your chambers for anything but food. And even for every meal, you never spoke. You kept to yourself for months.

*time skip*

It has been 5 months since Jon left for the Wall. You were deep in sleep when all of a sudden you hear a knock on your door. You put your furs on and go see who is at the door. Standing in front of you is a cold and tired Jon Snow. (I know, poor baby!! 😆) You froze, as if you had seen a ghost.

Jon Snow wrapped his arms around you, embracing you in a hug.

"You're freezing! Come in!" You drag Jon into your chambers and lay him down in your bed.

"M'lady. I mustn't. This is improper." Jon attempts to get up, but you gently push him back down.

You walk over to the fire and add more wood to try to get more heat. You laid down with Jon, wrapping your arms around him as he slept. You watched him sleep before you dosed off as well.

*time skip*

Sunlight hit your eyes gently and you covered your eyes. You hear a groan come from next to you and you immediately open your eyes. You see a sleepy Jon Snow laying with you in your bed. Somehow, Jon had shifted so he was holding onto you. He was laying facing away from you when you both fell asleep.

"Good morning, M'lady." Jon groans and opens his eyes. Upon opening his eyes, he sees the situation he's in. He quickly sits up, scooting away from you.

You give him a funny look, "What, you'd rather had frozen to death than survive by my warmth?" You pout after you ask.

"M'lady. It's just improper to wake up in the same bed. We are courted." Jon looks down at the bed furs.

"I saved your life, Jon Snow. And you didn't even tell me you were leaving for the Wall!" You cry out, covering your mouth once you were done speaking.

"I left because of you..." Jon mumbles.

"What?" You don't believe what he just said.

"I left because of you, (Y/N). You're in love with Robb. I can see it. The way you two talk. Your daily walks when we were younger." Jon spoke up, his voice rose and echoed in your head.

"I love you, Jon Snow; Bastard Son of Edward Stark. I always have. Since the first day we met. When we were six-years old. And I always will. I never would have wanted you to go to the Wall. That place is-"

You were cut off by a passionate kiss by Jon Snow. Your body froze at first; you weren't sure what to do. Eventually, your body relaxed and you lost track of time. The two of you had been kissing for a little over a minute. You pull back from Jon, your arms around his neck,

"I love you too, Lady (Y/N) of House (House of Choice). I have and always will." Jon smiles and kisses you lightly once more and you let go of him.

The two of you hear slow clapping from behind you. You turn to face the noise to see Robb standing there, smirking.

"I knew this day would come." His smile got wider and he bursts out laughing.

Jon gives you a confused look, you return the look as well.

Word Count: 1426

A/N: How about that ending!?! 😁 Sorry to all you peeps that wanted more ☹️. Love you all ✌🏻

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