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CH 1

School starts today. I'm going to be attending Neter Point High with Elena. She is to be my guide until I can handle it myself. We arrived about twenty minutes early and they gave me a thing called a "class list. I read through it, but Elena said not to worry. I would just be following her anyway. After running a few tests I discovered that human forms cannot handle manipulation of molecular energies. To put it into terms you can understand, I can't use my powers without disturbing my disguise. My eyes revert back to red, and my skin greys. With too much use it collapses entirely.

The first thing on this list, Geometry. Geez what am I five? The teacher says it would be fine if I sat next to Elena. He hands me a piece of paper, and Elena gives me a weird yellow stick. I keep staring at Elena's had as she scribbles numbers across her paper. I try to copy how she's holding the yellow stick as best I can, but I struggle and drop it. I look up and the teacher is staring at me.

"Something wrong with your pencil?" He glares while peering up from a stack of papers.

"Oh, sorry, I've just gotten so used to using a keyboard. I haven't used a pencil in a while, and it's kinda awkward." I lie through my teeth.

"Nice save." Elena whispers in my ear. The teacher walks over and puts a textbook on my desk as well as another piece of paper.

"I expect this paper to be brought back signed by monday. This textbook is yours to be brought home." He told me.

"No problem sir." I reply. His demeanor bothers me already. I guess I'm no longer royalty, so I have to get used to not being respected. As soon as I get a handle on this pencil, I scribble down the answers. I look up at the board. The worlds "Show your work." are printed in bright red marker. I suppose since I didn't do any work, this is all I have to write.. He walks up to a desk, and produces a screen using simple light projection technology. He starts doing the problems in a very long and arduous manner.

"Does anyone want to answer this question?" He asks the class. After no one does anything, I put my hand up mimicking how they did it earlier.

"Astrid, they said it was, correct?" He says to me. I nod.

"The answer is three hundred and seventeen feet squared X over twelve root seventeen Y which is approximately forty five point five feet squared." He stares at me blankly. Seems he wasn't expecting anyone to have a grasp on these simple concepts.

"Can you write your work on this paper up here?"

"That was the work I did." I reply. I look down, and continue looking through this textbook he gave me.

"That is not work, that is just the answer." He says.

"Then I guess I have no work, sorry." I reply. He is annoying me. I look up at the clock. Thirty more of these minutes, and then I can go to the next period. I suppose I haven't made a first impression.

"Let me try and help you understand." He said, and he began writing another simple equation on the board. It amused me to see him go out of his way for one student, but I suppose this would help everyone in a way. "Now how would you go about this?" I looked at it briefly, and turned to him.

"Two hundred and eighty-five centimeters squared." I don't know what he is expecting. He scribbles out the long breakdown of the problem, and writes down exactly what I just said.

"How did you...?" He looks shocked.

"I'm just really smart I guess. Back home they called me a prodigy." I gave him the best answer that I could. He visibly nodded as if understanding something. Unfortunately sometimes lies make more sense than the truth in this case. The rest of the time I had to spend with this man went by uneventfully. He did not ask me more questions, and I suppressed my urge to call him a bumbling old man that did not know efficient ways to perform simple mathematics.

The next class was boring. They gave me itchy clothes, a small box with a simple surcurity lock on in, and I had to run really really slowly, so that they could keep up with me. A man suggested I join a track team, but I declined saying that I don't like to run.

The third one of these periods was amazing. They gave me another book filed with things about life on this planet. I spent the whole timeframe barely even looking up. As of now I have read it cover to cover twice. I can't get over how facinating your biology is, and at the same time there is so much you don't know.

Something interesting did happen later though. Something that I was verging on not even telling you in to great of detail, but as of now you have no way of proving that any of this is fake or real.

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