Who i am and what i like

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As you know I am known as Lailabelle for my duo I really love the things on this list

List of what I love
Shipping people with other people (you know what I mean)
Overwatch fanfics
Comedy shows
My family
my friends
My dogs
My fish squidward
For overwatch my fav character is junkrat and rodehog
Team fortress two fav characters are everyone but I love heavy the most and his sandvwich
Braiding hair
Y.f.m if you know who that band is
Gorillaz also a animated band
I love Every single animal in the world basically
And my best friend _Ya_Rapper_Girl_Kyle she is ze BEST
Lemons the fruit with some sugar yummy

Things I hate are

List of what I hate
Lemons not the fruit lemon
Mean people but people stating there opinion I'm fine with
Brittney spears she always ruins my favorite songs 😡
People that can't take a joke
People being so dramatic for no reason
People that aren't honest with me I never talk to people that aren't honest with me it makes me so mad cause you don't know if they're lying or not
And most importantly..............BUG BITES  I HATE THEM UGH lol jk I can deal with it 😎

My Most of my family is German ,Dutch , Italian that's my moms side, Irish, and Indian

I will not give out where I live for security reasons
But I will say it's really beautiful here and really really HOT here my favorite color is purple and blue and black with gold I'm very plain my personality is

Weird but in a good way
Mother like of the group in school
Also I can be caring yet strict that what _Ya_Rapper_Girl_Kyle said to me 😂

And I'm very fashionable 😋

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