CHAPTER 38: Fairy Tale

Start from the beginning

Our hiking boots left footprints on the heaps of snow that shrouded our path up the mountain slopes. The numerous shrines and temples along the slanted ground, which were visited by thousands of pilgrims annually, were devoid of visitors that day. Probably it was because of the snow that made the path slippery and the frigid temperature that was detrimental for monks, wayfarers, and mountain climbers alike, given that it was way past the hiking season from July to August. Climbing during the winter months could be very dangerous. In fact, even experienced mountain climbers lose their lives every year on Mount Fuji during this season.

Kosuke and I continued to make our way up the mountain, passing through the numerous caution tapes that bordered the perimeter and sneaking through the few Fuji-Yoshida policemen on patrol. During the hike, I made sure that I was several paces ahead of him, for I thought that it was best to avoid answering the questions he had been asking me non-stop since the time I made him accompany me to this kind of place.

Yes, I did not feel like talking. My mind had been exhausting me enough.

We passed through barren trees and frozen lakes during the two and a half hour span of the climb. I looked back once in a while to see him pant, stopping by to lean on towering trees for a brief five to ten second rest. I would pretend to 'take a break' once in a while too just so that he would not start wondering about my incredible stamina next.

And another hour passed…

"Hey… huff… huff… are we… ugh… are we there yet?" he called out to me as we started to climb further.

I replied with a smile, "Yeah."

And another hour passed.

And another…

And another…

Then Kosuke and I reached a clearing amidst the towering glaciers, where a tall, cave-like structure stood. I sighed in relief not only because we finally reached our destination after an 8 ½ hour drive and climb, but also because of the fact that this structure still remained steadfast and safe amidst the hostile and frigid environment.

With my gloved hands, I carefully shoved away the snow that accumulated atop the granite cross.

"It's been a long time. Do you still recognize me?" I smiled as I knelt beside the cross, placing down the basket of lilies before it. "Do you still recognize me… okaa-san?"

"Miyazawa Keiko's grave," Kosuke muttered as he finally found the answer to his own question. He stood next to me, bowing down to okaa-san's grave.

"Once upon a time, a powerful empire existed," I began narrating to him. "It was led by a greedy emperor. He lived in a vast castle, where every single person would kneel down to him - where every single person thought of him as a 'god'. His wealth was enormous. He could buy anything – jewels, gold, and lives. He spent his life swimming in gold and beheading people who dared to stop him from getting what he wanted.

One day, he told himself, 'I need people to help me in my reign', and so he appointed two of his men to do this task. He fed them, clothed them, educated them, and trained them to be his fitting assistants. One of them was more intelligent than the other, but he refused to do one job: to kill. The other was willing to do anything for the emperor, for he too was a greedy man. The emperor was pleased with the second man, and so he made him his 'right hand'. The first man, on the other hand, contented himself with his usual job – as the blacksmith for the empire. "

Starting a bonfire with the pieces of wood I prepared while telling Kosuke my little 'tale', I plopped down next to him, embraced my legs, and continued –

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