"Keith," Phoenix began, drawing everyone's attention towards her. "you seem to have forgotten that Aruru is blind, meaning she can't see. She'll have to get her gear made for her." She concluded. Keith raised an eyebrow. "If she's blind, how has she managed to go through an entire month of training?" He inquired, it was only expected. What Phoenix had just said sounded like an incredibly ludicrous excuse to help Aruru get out of today's task. "It's rather confusing." Phoenix replied "I'll explain everything to you later, for now, you will let Aruru go." Her voice had grown intimidating at the very end, meaning that she expected him to do as she ordered.

Keith would never tell a living soul that he was unbelievably afraid of Phoenix, he would never be able to live with himself if anyone were to find out. As a result of his fear, Keith released Aruru and stalked off, probably to yell at other cadets.

Phoenix returned to silently hoping that someone would come to her rescue, preferably Bertholdt. Just as she had hoped, Bertholdt walked in through the open doors of the cabin and sauntered over to Phoenix, angering her slightly but not enough for her to show it.

"Hey, Phoenix." Bertholdt greeted, upon reaching her side. "Do you need any help?" He asked. "Obviously." Phoenix answered, it was pretty obvious. Why else would she still be seated where she was? "Um, okay." Bertholdt replied
rather uneasily, as expected. He didn't have enough to confidence in himself to believe that he could actually give Phoenix useful information but on the other hand, she seemed to know absolutely nothing on this particular subject so it seemed any information would seem useful. That gave him more assurance that she wouldn't see him as an idiot, again.

Within a few minutes, Phoenix had completed her gear and was free to leave and do as she pleased, and by that, she was free to do whatever she wanted with Bertholdt. (A/N NOTHING DIRTY, YOUU GREEN - MINDED PEOPLE, IT'S JUST A SIMPLE MAKE OUT SESSION AND NO, I AM NOT GIVING DETAILS!!!! IF YOU WANT DETAILS, YOU TYPE THEM IN THE COMMENT SECTION!!!!)

"He did not!"

"He did too!"

"He did not!"

"He did too!"

Eren and Tiamat were arguing, again. This was becoming - no, it was a common thing. There was no day the two would not be seen arguing over one thing or the other. The worst part of it was the fact that every single one of their argument topics were incredibly stupid, just like Connie.

"I'm telling you that I saw Armin with my own two eyes steal Sasha's lunch."

"I know Armin better than you do! He wouldn't do something like that!"

Both of them released exasperated sighs as the argument came to a temporary close, both of them thinking of a way to prove each other wrong. "I got it!" Tiamat exclaimed, startling Eren. "Let's go ask him!" She suggested. "Then we'll see who's wrong." Eren replied, smirking ever so slightly.

"Armin!" They exclaimed, dragging the coconut - headed boy into a corner. "Can I help you t-"

"IS IT TRUE THAT YOU WERE THE ONE WHO STOLE SASHA'S LUNCH?!" They didn't even give Armin a chance to finish asking what they wanted, that showed just how determined they were to prove each other wrong. "P-please don't say anything!" Armin begged at once.

"I WIN!!" Tiamat exclaimed, throwing her arms into the air and cheering loudly. "YOU OWE ME TEN POTATOES!!" She yelled at Eren, who glared at Armin, scaring him off in the process. "Yeah, you win." Eren grumbled, folding his arms. "Eren, baby, don't be like that." Tiamat said, pulling him into a hug. "Did. . . Did you just call me 'baby' ?!" Eren questioned, disgust evident in his voice.

Tiamat lost her shit at that moment and bursted out laughing "I JUST WANTED TO SEE YOU'RE REACTION, I DID AND IT WAS PRICELESS!" Tiamat exclaimed, falling to her knees and hitting the floor repeatedly while holding her stomach (A/N Like the way Hitch was laughing at Marlo). Eren flushed pink before joining her in laughter.

Not far from where the two were, a certain black haired beauty stood, emitting the darkest aura you could dream of. "Ereat will never canon." She muttered darkly.



Marco rushed over to where he had heard Aruru yelling his nickname only to find her staring at Bertholdt and Phoenix just like Sylph, Armin, Eren, Tiamat, Reiner, Mikasa, Annie, Sasha, Connie and Jean were.

"WHY ARE YOU ALL HERE??!!" Phoenix exclaimed, both she and Bertholdt blushing fifty different unknown shades of red. "BERTHOLDT WAS EATING YOUR FACE!" Connie exclaimed, pointing at the couple with a horrified expression on his features. Jean smacked him upside the head.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt your little 'session'." Annie apologized halfheartedly, although there was a faint gleam of amusement dancing in her eyes. "I'M GONNA BE AN UNCLE!!" Reiner cheered.

At that very moment, Phoenix and Bertholdt lost their shit. "DON'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT! IT'S TOO EARLY AND WE'RE TOO YOUNG AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN DECIDED IF WE'RE GOING TO GET MARRIED YET AND. . . ." Phoenix and Bertholdt continued to yell gibberish and flail their arms in the air, perfectly in sync (A/N Like how Bertholdt did in AoT junior high when he was accused of liking Annie).

"Would you mind explaining what all the noise is about?" Keith appeared from literally nowhere, startling a few people. Phoenix and Bertholdt had quieted down at once.

"Because of two things, sir." Mikasa answered, raising a hand. "Which would be?" Keith questioned.

"One being, Sasha passed gas and two, we caught Bertholdt and Phoenix screwing behind a cabin."


Everyone lost their shit.


So? How was it? I am very proud of the ending, and so should the rest of you, I put a lot of effort into the ending and by that I mean I put no thought into it whatsoever and tried to make it funny and see how many people would lose their shit. And yes, I know I've been using the phrase 'lose their shit' a lot. Don't judge me. Now let's welcome Bertholnix.


Bertholdt and Phoenix: WE DIDN'T SCREW!!

Scarlet: Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Bertholdt and Phoenix: YOU LITTLE-


Bertholdt and Phoenix: Screw you.

Scarlet: No thanks, besides, if anyone is screwing, it's you two.

Bertholdt and Phoenix: WE DID NOT SCREW!!

Scarlet: I never said you did.

Bertholdt and Phoenix: Let's just do the disclaimer.

Scarlet: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

Bertholdt and Phoenix: Scarlet does not own AoT, if she did, LeviHan would be canon because LeviHan.

🍰 -_Scarlet_Warrior_- 🍰

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