Beat of Your Heart

Start from the beginning

          “Alright everyone, great job!” we heard Jon say. We all cheered. Jon, well his real name is Jonathan but we prefer to call him Jon, is kind of the leader of our crew, Vibe LegaZ. Probably one of the reasons being that he is older than the rest of us by around one or two years. I have to admit that he’s pretty good-looking. With a height of 6’2, jet black hair, and baby blue eyes, he could probably wooh any girl he likes. But he’s not like that though, he’s a good guy. That’s what I love about him. He acts like the big brother I wish I had, but never did.

          He approached me and I gave him a big bear hug. Normally, I’m not really the touchy type, but it’s different when I’m around people I’m comfortable with.

          “Woah, easy there short-stuff!” he said teasingly.

          “I’m 5’7. I’m not that short,” I retorted, releasing him from my bear hug. But then added in a whisper, “We have Addy for that,” giving him a wink.

          With that being said, he let out a loud laugh, causing me to laugh along with him. Also causing some other people to look our way, but they just laughed it off. We didn’t really question much when some of us would act completely crazy. It’s a pretty common scene here.

          “Anyway, I just wanted to tell you, you killed that dance floor today       .”

          “Don’t I always?” flipping my hair, and batting my eyelashes. Making me look like one of those drama queen/attention wh*res we can’t stand. To strangers, seeing me do this would probably make them think I was one of those. But Jon knows this is totally not me.

          “Haha,” he laughed sarcastically, “don’t let it get to your head.” He then smacked me upside the head. It didn’t really hurt. It was one of those smacks that you would give a sibling or friend, just to get your point across.

          “I’m kidding!” I said while laughing. We just continued laughing and talking.

          “You better go get changed. You smell really bad,” he really emphasized the word bad.

          “You’re one to talk, birds will probably drop dead where you pass.”

          “Because of my hotness?” he said while putting his hands behind his head, giving his stinky pits a clear path to my face. My face scrunched up so much, it probably got distorted.

          “Yeah, that’s why,” sarcasm flooding my voice.

          “ Whatever...” he says with a smirk on his face.

          After our little exchange, we headed our separate ways to the lockers. I changed into shorts and a simple t-shirt. I was too lazy to ‘dress properly’ as some may say. I don’t have anywhere special to go after this anyway. The crew’s just gonna head to The Juice Bar, another one of our habits. Whenever we feel like getting together, which is almost every day, we go to The Juice Bar, order smoothies, talk, you know, that kind o stuff...

          When I got out of the changing room, I was attacked by none other than my best friend, Zane Anderson. She tackled me to the floor and held me there.

          “Tori, Tori, Tori!!!” she all but yelled in my face.

          “Zane, Zane, Zane!!!” I yelled, copying her crazy behaviour.

          “Nothing, I just missed you,” she said as if she hadn’t just tackled me to the floor and yelled at me. Rolling my eyes, she finally let me go.

          “Let’s go, I want my Vanilla smoothie!” I said excitedly.

          I saw her roll her eyes but let me drag her by the hand, nonetheless. Zane gave me a ride to school this morning, so I’m having her give me a ride back home. We’re next door neighbors so it’s really no big deal. We reached her car, and headed straight for our hang-out place.


          When we reached our destination, we both jumped out of the car as if it were on fire, and raced inside. We’re both fatties at heart. One of the reasons we’re best friends. It’s a good thing we have dance practice as exercise or else we’d probably be one of those people who hang out on their couches all day. Doing absolutely nothing but eat, sleep, and watch TV, all alone in their dark living room... Well, enough of that. Smoothies!!!

          We shoved the others out of the way, and they all but just laughed. We reached the counter and was greeted by a familiar face and smile.

          “Hey, Danny!” Zane and I chorused.

          “Hey, girls! The usuals?”

          Yup, we have usuals. I would always order vanilla, Zane would always order strawberry, except on some occasions when we would like to try different flavours.

          “Yup!” we chorused yet again. To be honest, this used to freak me out too, but now it’s just as common as seeing a cat by the street.

          Once we got our drinks, we sat down in our usual booth. We come here so often, we’re like tattoos on this place. All of us just talked and had a good time. It really isn’t that hard to have a good time when we’re together, as cheesy as it sounds. At around 7:30, we said our goodbyes, and headed home. Zane gave me a ride home, then we went our separate ways. In this case, a few feet away since we’re neighbors.

          After taking a hot shower, yup, shower, I hate baths, it’s like swimming in your own dirt, I got dressed and ready for bed.

          As I lay down, I just remembered what my mom always said to me as a kid, even now actually. I don’t expect to make it big in the world of dance or anything. I’ve never really liked the spotlight either, which is one of the few things Zane and I don’t have in common. At least I can go on with my life doing something I love.

          “You were right mom... ‘Nothing you love so much can ever be a waste of time...’”

          And with that, I fell asleep.

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