Chapter 4- Texts

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Dom: hey Dan

Dani: haaaaaaay giiiiiirl

Dani: how did dinner go?

Dom: It was cool :P

Dani: Gimme the deets OMG I FEEL LIKE A GIRLY GIRL

Dani: sry caps

Dom: lol

Dom: anyway,

Dom: We ordered food then while we were waiting we started talking about new edition and he sang candy girl to me 😍 also did I mention he called me beautiful and he said the sparkle thing about my eyes (the thing that everyone says)

Dani: I'm ded 😍 LUCKYYYYY

Dom: it's 4:30 am here :p not used to the time change

Dani: lol

Dom: anyway I gotta pee so bye 😙

Dani: bai

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