Chapter 15- I'm back

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           Dominique's POV

I got off the plane and I looked for Dani-I mean Danielle.

She was supposed to come with her mom, cause my mom went to a doctors appointment.

Dom: where are you?

Dani: shush.

Dom: still mad?

Dani: yes.

Dom: it's not my fault! he smiled at me a lot and he kissed me! I was surprised because litterally no boy has ever liked me!

Dani: Trevor did

Dom: wut

Dani: he did

Dom: lemme refrase that. No boy I LIKED ever like me bac

Dani: I see u

I look up from my phone and I see Danielle standing, and waving.

I wave back. I walked over to her and she said something really weird.

"I'm doing this cause I love you."


She shoved a starburst into my mouth and took me, my box and luggage and ran out the door, to her mom's car.

"W-what are you doing..." I said trailing the "g". I fell asleep, hoping they weren't gonna murder me.

*30 minutes later*

I wake up to a kiss on my forehead.



"What?" I said still drowsy-like.

I then realized the person who did that to me every time I woke up.

My eyes opened as fast as the speed of sound and I found out who it was,


"Oh My God!!!" I bounced off the bed and jumped into his arms and he spun me around, I kept my feet off the ground.

"How are you even here?!" I asked, kissing all over his face.

"You know how you asked for Starbursts the second day I kissed you?" "Yeah" "Well I remembered that after you left and I set up this big gesture because I realized I really could live without you and so I sea-"

I kissed him, just to shut him up. He did all this for me, and me only. I blushed at the thought of that.

"Your BFF was in on it too."

That just made me love him more.

"Guess what" he said "what?" " I get to see you every other weekend" "Really?" "Yes." Tears filled my eyes, and rolls down my cheeks.

"Don't worry, be happy" he said smiling.

He put me back on the bed and started tickling me.

" *laughing* "

He kissed me on my nose.

"I love you" I said

"I love you more."

Jahi's Girl (Jahi Winston Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora