42 - Like Dominoes

Start from the beginning

Peter pushed forward a fresh muffin, "We've got six trays full at home." Ned snickered into his hand with the comment. "Actually, she's doing alright with it. Better than I expected. She called Mr. Stark last night and well, let's just say he may be regretting his decision about offering me a place in the Avengers."

I smiled sweetly, "Well, good. We don't wanna' lose our best hero just yet." 

Ned leaned forward, eyes wide. "That's true. Not when we've got Mr. Daddy Issues running around the city playing villain. Any ideas how we're gonna' take care of that?" he asked the group, voice low. We all looked at each other, apparently just as clueless. 

Before any of us could even offer up a somewhat decent plan at dealing with our New Goblin problem, Clayton Cole and Michelle Jones were dumping their trays of food at our table. They were arguing about the somewhat strange and publicly known legal case revolving around Frank Castle. With a coy smirk in my direction, Clayton grabbed a muffin from our tiny stack. "So, you believe violence is the key? That's very typical of you." Michelle said.

Clayton shrugged, "Look, Jones, only because you're all about peace with war, doesn't mean the entire world agrees. Violence doesn't always solve problems, I agree. But war doesn't start with men fighting. It starts with prejudice and miscommunication and all that. You wanna' stop any sort of war, start trying to understand the people you're up against." he jolted back with, Michelle narrowing her eyes across at him. "With Castle in mind, that was pure revenge and I can get behind that. If you're talking about the Avengers, that entire war was based on opinions about a deadman, who wasn't even dead. But still, in the end violence was the ending. Right?"

Michelle opened and closed her mouth, no words falling from her lips. Mary Jane perked up, combing some hair behind her ear. "Well, that escalated quickly. Muffin?" She offered one to Michelle, who took it was tiny frown. 

"Okay, so violence is the end result in some cases, but you have to agree, going around killing people for revenge is just wrong." Michelle started again, fire dancing in her eyes. "The world can grow, we can be better than just blood and guts. Shouldn't we want that?"

Ned Leeds rested back in his chair with a huff. "Can we talk about something else?"

Clayton glared at him. "I wasn't even aware you were a part of this conversation."

Peter rested his head on his arm, a little drained. "Come on, guys..."

"Have you ever gotten your hands dirty, Leeds?" Clayton questioned harshly. "Have you ever gotten blood on your hands? Have you remotely ever punched somebody?" Ned stayed deadly quiet. "No, I didn't think so. So, if you don't know violence, if you didn't grow up in it, you don't get an opinion. Yeah?"

There was a darkness hanging over Clayton Cole within that moment, something none of us truly understood. He was a closed off guy and deep down, I knew his baggage was painted with red and maybe that's why he was cold and distant. 

All eyes were on the new boy, who tilted up his chin, daring Ned Leeds to challenge him. Michelle let out a long whistle, muttering something under her breath about male testosterone. I could already feel Ned wanting to say something, but someone that had not graced our lunch table in a long time spoke up. "Honestly, Clayton, who are you fooling? You're just a jerk with a chip on his shoulder because he's some bad boy with a tragic past." Harry Osborn grumbled out. 

My heart almost jumped out of my chest with the sight of him. He had been absent from school for days now and today, he looked miserable. His hair was greasy, his skin looking pale and thin. His eyes narrowed on Clayton, who tightened his jawline. "What? Got nothing to say now? You've got a big mouth but can't take the hits."

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