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I stand in my shower, absolutely fuming.

Today is Saturday, the second day of my period. As any other girl would testify, this means today has been the absolute worst day of my life. Cody hasn't made it any better, either.


When I woke up this morning, curled up cozily between my soft white sheets, the first thing I noticed was a huge stain where I had slept. After rushing the bedding to the laundry room and rubbing the blood out as best as I could, the second thing I noticed was a text from him. Not the text I wanted, though I was forced to respond nonchalantly anyway.

cody:  hey, i'm going to the lake with the boys
             today. txt you when i can i'll b careful

                                                                                                                  me:  have fun :-)

Perhaps it was just the hormones speaking, or perhaps just my natural inclination to worry, but I despised him this morning. He didn't wish me good morning, he didn't ask how I was, he just told me about his big plans. Of course, he planned to go with his friends to the lake, where their big party boat was. I knew he'd be drinking all day, probably talking to hot girls, and having an absolute blast, all while I sat around like a huge lump all day.

What are you doing? I asked myself. You're being stupid. It's not like you're dating, you've only been talking for a month. How is he supposed to know you're on your period? Besides, he doesn't have an obligation to you. He can have fun whenever he wants.

So, after downing a questionable amount of ibuprofen and acetaminophen (which you can take simultaneously without dying, apparently), I made a small breakfast which I wasn't hungry for and went back upstairs to my bed. I decided to just stay in for the day, and work on music to take my mind off of my pain and anger. After breakfast, I washed my plate and took the now clean sheets out of the dryer, putting them back on the bed before grabbing my Macbook and guitar and climbing back onto it.

I'm a freelance musician, up and coming, so I mostly spend my free time writing little songs and uploading them to Soundcloud. I've built up quite a following, something I'm really proud of. In fact, Cody and I met after he found one of my songs and tweeted it, saying it was really good. I messaged him to thank him, and we've been talking ever since.


With a huff, I put my guitar down and picked up my phone, opening Instagram. The most recently updated Instagram story was his, of course. I watched it just to make sure he was alright. As I suspected, the short videos showed him in his bathing suit, without a life jacket, on a huge boat with dozens of other people. He held a beer in his hand in every one, and so did his friends, which was slightly shocking as it was only noon. Also unsurprising were all the skinny, busty blonde girls hanging off of him. It wasn't hard to tell why. His brown hair was perfectly and intentionally flipped over, gelled into place, and his radiant tan skin seemed to glow brighter than anyone else's. The contrast between his darkened skin and his platinum white smile took me aback the most, even though I had practically memorized it by that point. Thankfully he had his sunglasses on, as his big brown eyes might entice even more women to latch onto him.

I turned off my phone, flipping it face down onto the bed. Of course he hadn't texted me, he was having fun. He'd mentioned having a particularly grueling day at work yesterday, on the set of some new movie he was directing. He needed time to blow off steam. I just wished he had chosen to spend that time with me.


I turn to face away from the stream of water to rinse the shampoo out of my hair. This shower has been the only good thing about today; in fact, it almost makes me feel as though there's no more pain in my abdomen. I wish I could just live in this shower, but then I'd have to take out a second mortgage to pay the water bill.

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