No Limits

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Author note:
Usually, I do author notes at the end, but this is a special occasion. This is a fan fiction entry for the wonderful story "No Capes," written by the just as wonderful, Joecool123. This work of fiction is told from Damien's perspective, and I hope you all enjoy it!

     Beautiful, if there was one word I could use to describe Madeline Linden, I would describe her a beautiful. Now, I could read minds, I've never had to wonder what people thought about me because I knew.

I knew that Madeline has had a crush on, not only my Super identity, but my civilian identity as well. I knew she thought I looked incredulously handsome on almost every occasion, and I knew she didn't think I noticed her, but I did.

Madeline Linden, the same girl whose been uttering a timid 'hi' to me as I left school. The very girl I looked forward to seeing everyday, even if we never actually spoke. The very girl who I had such a hard time taking my eyes off, simply because she was that stunning, inside and out.

      The very girl I couldn't be with, because wether or not she knew it, she too had superpowers. I didn't dare try and give her false hope that I could be with her, even if I wanted to.

       The main reason being that a; I had superpowers, and a secret identity that she would eventually find out about if we dated, b; I might cause her own powers to come out, and that might ruin her swimming career, and c; the relationship would eventually fail because I wouldn't be able to commit fully to my girlfriend, and Capital City.

      So I bit my tongue, and continued on my way. You can imagine how angry I was when Fox had brought out Madeline's powers, and guess who she fell in love with. Of course, Fox.

      Of course, I mean, Madeline falling in love with me? The guy she barely even talked to for years, and thought didn't notice her? Yeah, it was cliché, and granted, cliché always win. And it did.

       Madeline fell for the childhood best friend, the guy she hated, her competition, Mr. Popular, Superhero, and the guy who didn't notice her for about a year. Madeline fell for the even bigger cliché, and of course, I held my tongue listening to all of her thoughts about how wonderful he looked in his suit.

       I missed when her thoughts had been directed towards me, but I guess it was okay now, because I'd realized who the girl of my dreams really was. I'd found my Topanga, I'd found my Minnie Mouse, I'd found mine truly, Kristen. I'd fallen for Madeline's best friend.

Kristen was a goofball, and I absolutely loved her. After the battle, and us Supers were ready to tackle school again, I'd recovered almost fully. The only thing that was still shattered, was my heart, and that was figuratively.

I mean, watching my best friend whisk the girl of my dreams off of her feet, well, it kinda took its toll on me. It had been a Saturday, whilst Fox and Madeline were off doing something, that I'd over heard one of Kristen's thoughts about feeling a bit lonely.

I'd casually strolled over to her and placed my back against one of the nearby lockers, her surprise was evident, and loud. I heard everyone of her thoughts, and it kept me smiling all day long.

"Kristen?" I flashed one of my Charming smiles at her, and I watched as she was turned a light shade of pink. I had to bite my tongue in order to keep myself from replying to one of her thoughts.

"Yeah?" Kristen's honey like voice graced my ears, and I looked over her, her petite figure over towered by my large one. I looked into her gorgeous eyes, and I was instantly grateful she too couldn't read minds, because I'd be in deep trouble.

I peered into her thoughts, glad that I was the only one affected by the other, and I placed my arm behind her, almost trapping her. "How would you feel about going to movie with me sometime, you know, if you feel like it?"

I almost winced at her internal scream, and had a hard time fighting off the grin that began to flit across my face. "Like a date?" Kristen tried to reply smoothly, but I could hear the nervousness in her thoughts. I put my hand over hers, encouraging her.

"Yeah, I'd like that." I smiled, and watched as she bit her gorgeous, lip gloss, covered lips. Watching her made it increasingly hard to not kiss her, but I tried to rain calm as she whispered the most significant words I'd ever heard in a while.

"Then it's a date," Kristen replied smoothly, but I knew that her internal state was just like mine, an absolute exuberant mess.

Those four words would lead to our first fight, to our first argument, to our first breakup, and our first period of ignoring each other. Those four words though, also led to our first kiss, to our first night, to our first wedding, and to our first child, and all in all, to my first soul mate.

Kristen had made me realize something, and this knowledge hit me extremely hard, almost as hard as a certain ball of gold. Kristen made me realize that I didn't need a cape, or a mask, or even superpowers to be a Superhero.

Kristen had shown me that I could be a superhero by being there for her, even when it inconvenienced me at times. Kristen had shown me that even whilst I was away on Superhero duties, I could still be in love. Kristen showed me that, I could be committed to her, and what I love doing for my city, because I love her.

Kristen showed me that, even while she had no powers, she was a superhero too. Kristen had a certain trust for me, even when I hadn't been able to tell her why I was away, or even my identity as a Super. Kristen had believed in me, when I gave her no reason to, and Kristen showed me love, when I didn't deserve it.

Although I had known that being Superhuman, still meant that you were human, she taught me that super human had a different meaning. Kristen taught me that Superhuman, while it was usually known for being alien, could also mean more human. Kristen taught me that being Superhuman didn't make me stronger, it just brought out the strongest part of me, the human part of me.

Kristen taught me that 'Superhuman', really just means 'more human'. It makes sense doesn't it? The reason I got superpowers was because I was at an all time low, that the most humane part of me was struggling, and that's when my powers kicked in.

I smiled as I held my hands wife, and I played with Kristen's diamond wedding ring. Kristen taught me so many things, and I'd love her for the rest of my life, I already did.

I used to think that my love for her was something's extraordinary, super even, but now I realized it was something far greater than that. My love for Kristen was simply, greatly, human and it knew no limits.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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