"I want the miraculouses. You've had enough time. Move it." He walked them out and shut the door. They made sure they were out of earshot before groaning.

"I can't believe we even regretted double crossing that old slave driver."

"Yeah. Let's get their attention, shall we?" They got to work with heir items. The heroes appeared barely minutes after they had began. The fight began. They did as they planned, taking things easy on the heroes who took it to their advantage. They still put effort so Hawkmoth wouldn't notice. At least it would buy them time.

Alya woke up and looked around in the mind. She yawned and sat up, watching herself fight with a sigh. She watched for a few more seconds before she realised what was going on.

"What are you doing?" Lady Wifi dodged Ladybug's yoyo and swiped lazily at her phone.

"I'm-" swipe "kinda-" swipe "busy-" dodge "right now-" swipe "Alya- OKAY TIME OUT!" They all froze in confusion.

"You can't call a-"

"Bubbler, please?" He bubbled them hastily and walked over to her. They stared at her in shock for a few moments before pounding on the bubble.

"But won't they just use Chat's staff to get out like last time?"

"Oh please. Honestly, they're too stupid to remember. It'll take about a minute or two for them to remember and that's just enough time to tap to y-"


"SHUT UP WILL YA HAWKIE?! Geez. We need to tap to Nino and Alya." He groaned.

"No way! The idiot's been yelling at me to tell him what's going on and all that! I'm not telling him!"

"I know you're scared that he won't think you're a tough guy anymore..."


"Let's face it. You're not a tough guy. You were never a tough guy. So grow some liver and move your butt-" he stepped back, hands up.

"Okay okay! Geez! What if they get out before we come back?"

"Then they get the miraculouses. Simple. Our plan will work. Let's go." They entered their individual minds and folded their hands.


"Whats going on Bubbler/Lady Wifi?" They sighed.

"We're... helping. Then they can take the akumas and we can bye bye butterfly miraculous purification yada yada."

"We're helping you two. You'll be Alya again."

"What about you guys?"


"I don't know Alya. But I'm sure we'll be fine. Probably."

"Is Hawkmoth gonna do anything to you?"

"Yep. In fact he'll be sending that torture real soon so be on your gaurd and prepare for pain Nino."

"Um... probably. Don't worry about it."

"Wow... thanks. We're gonna mis-" the torture came in and they snapped back into The Bubbler and DJWifi. Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped back. They were just about to her their akumas. They were an inch too late.

GET. UP. They shut their eyes to the pain, grimacing. Ladybug nearly slipped, her clumsy totally awesome sauce side coming out. Luckily Chat was there to help her. She was about to get their akumas when they backed away from her, trying to speak.


"Bad..." blood began to drop from their lips and they started foaming from their mouths. She yelled lucky charm quickly and received a plastic you fishing rod. It had no metal on it at all.

Hawkmoth kept telling GET UP and calling them useless but they just stayed on the ground and let her fish out their items. She broke them and cleansed the akuma.

Alya and Nino were finally back.

Or were they?

They got up, limping in pain. Nino limped his way through the crowd of cheering Parisians towards her with a forced grin. He stretched out his aching arms towards her.

"We did it!" She smiled at him before it slowly faded into a frown. She just shook her head slowly and began to limp towards him. His smile grew then fell when she limped right past him. He turned around with a broken expression on his face.

"Wha... what... A... Alya..." She didn't look back, salty tears falling from her eyes. "Why..." He shook his head slowly and collapsed on the floor. Screams of shock and anguish replaced the once joyous crowd. Alya didn't want to know what had happened. She broke into a sprint, ignoring the eyes on her and the one guy who had made her feel special lying unconscious on the floor.

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