The Alpha Night Fury u-turned and picked Hiccup off of Winterwind. Hiccup smiled up at his old friend. Toothless gave him his Toothless smile. Then Toothless dropped Hiccup on the beach and landed; the others following suit. They watched as the Hunters struggled to swim away or to climb onto what was left of the boat.

Then, before Hiccup could do anything, he was tackled to the ground by Toothless, who showered him in kisses without stop. "O-Okay!" Hiccup laughed, "Enough bud!"

"Toothless!" Astrid jumped off her dragon and ran over to her old friend.

Toothless stopped licking Hiccup and welcomed Astrid's hug.

"Toothless, what are you doing here?" Luna asked.

'You seemed to be in a panic when you came back,' Toothless explained, 'So I followed you.'

Hiccup pushed himself off of the sand and hugged Toothless neck, "It's good to see you again bud."

The nearby dragons, both tamed and wild, bowed to their Alpha as he purred. Winterwind stood shocked, ' never told me that your previous dragon was the Alpha!?'

Hiccup turned to her, "It...didn't come up."

Toothless looked at her, 'I don't believe we've meet before.'

Winterwind respectfully bowed, 'No...we haven't. Forgive me Alpha...When I kidnapped Hiccup here I didn't know that he is-was...your human..'

Toothless rolled his eyes and snorted, 'Oh don't worry. This isn't the first time Hiccup has gotten into trouble.'

"Hey," Hiccup glared as Toothless chuckled.

"Does Winterwind mean that we'll get to see you flying again?" Fishlegs asked Hiccup.

'Excuse me!?' Toothless glared at Hiccup then waked Hiccup right in the head with his tail, 'Have you not been on a dragon!?'

Hiccup rubbed his head, "Well I-"

'No excuses!' Toothless snorted, 'Hiccup if you need to ride another dragon to do your job then do it! It's not replacing me! Winterwind is just dragon!'

'I'm what?' the Woolly Howl cocked her head.

Toothless looked at Hiccup with big and round eyes, 'I'm still your best friend, right?'

"Of course you are!?" Hiccup rubbed Toothless' chin.

Winterwind chuckled and rolled her eyes, 'Okay, I get it. I'll never replace Toothless here; I have no chance. I'm fine with that. And...I guess I could live in a human nest-er village-I just hope that you don't mind if I wake you up really early in the morning.'

"Don't worry," Hiccup smiled, "This one here has done that for years," He patted Toothless' head; who in turn smiled at the memories.

"Well, why don't we fly home?" Luna climbed back onto Tracker. The others did the same. Hiccup looked at Toothless. "For old times sake?" he asked.

'Mmmmm, maybe,' Toothless grinned, 'Or maybe I can see how fast Witnerwind is!' He then shot up into the air and was gone.

'I an not that fast!' Winterwind stood there stunned by the speed.

"I don't think I've ever seen him go that fast!" Hiccup climbed on to Witnerwind.

"Oh, that's because I've upgraded his fake tail fin," Luna explained, "It's hard to explain but I've been able to make it just like the real one he lost forever ago."

They took the air; minds reliving the craziness that just happened. "Oh by the way! Hiccup! Are you gonna be able to come by village later this week?" Luna asked.

"Uh..."Hiccup thought, "I should be able to, why?"

"Because The Drop will be happening," Luna explained, "It's where mother Night Furies drop their five month old young over a cliff to see if teach them to fly. It's usually done over the lake. As you can probably guess...we haven't been able to see it in a very long time..."

"Isn't that dangerous!?" Fishlegs gasped.

"Not really actually," Luna reassured, "Those who don't fly will land in the shallow end of the lake below. And it's done over a cliff that doesn't have any sharp points sticking out."

The Riders looked at each other, uncertain. "I...guess we could come," Hiccup answered slowly.

"Great!" Luna smiled, "Oh and it won't just be Toothless' young. Plenty of other Night Furies laid their eggs around the same time as Raven did." The rest of the flight was in silence as the Riders took in what Luna had just described to them.

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