Bulbul, today you have to come with me to temple.. there is a pooja for you.. Ragini said arranging the bed..

Ma.. today there is an important meeting.. I need to go office.. Bulbul says taking her mobile and handbag..

It's okay.. I will inform Purab that you will be late.. I will asks him to manage everything and no need of further excuses.. you should come with me.. Ragini orders saying so and left the room followed by Bulbul..

Now I got to know why Mr.Dixit behaved like that to me.. But Pragya is so sweet.. Purab was absolutely correct... bhai is very unlucky to get Pragya.. and Pragya is very lucky of staying away from him.. Sona murmurs and thinks about Abhi..!..


With Abhi..

Purab.. how long..!?.. It's getting late.. Abhi shouts standing on side of the road beside his car..

Just 5 mins Abhi.. He told that, he is on the way.. just then the rain start to drizzle and a car that passed by stops near them..

It was non other than Pragya.. she stopped the car as soon as she saw them.. she came out of the car with an umbrella..

Abhishek.. you are standing here..!?.. just then she saw purab closing the engine door... haan Pragya.. this car got stuck in this middle way.. Today is an important meeting.. already we are late... Abhi says..

That's fine.. I can drop you both at office if you two are comfortable coming with me.. Pragya offers to help them and Abhi smiled at her..

Thank you so much Pragya.. Abhi said and Purab continued.. You two go.. I will come after making the car fine..

But Purab.. You.. .. before Abhi could say further Purab interrupts sayings.. Abhi.. you please go with Pragya.. You should be at time.. I will join you later..

Okay... let's leave.. Abhi says and moved towards her car followed by Pragya..

On the way..

Abhi was wiping his wet face with tissues while Pragya was driving..

How is Aunty..?.. Abhi asked softly while she smiled at him saying.. Ma is keeping good.. Doctor has assured of her recovery soon..

That's nice to hear.. Abhi replied with a smile.. Their discussion was casual all the way and finally they reached office..

Abhi thanked her and left taking his file and his mobile that was on the dashboard..

Being in rush he never noticed picking up Pragya's mobile that was on the same place and immediately left inside the office..

Pragya droves away from there.. she stopped suddenly thinking... I forgot to give medicines to Ma.. Let me inform to Geetha ma.. she took the mobile that was over the dash board and noticed that it was different.. then she realised Abhi picking up his mobile, thinking it to be his..

Oh no.. He has taken my mobile mistakenly.. Now how to call home.. She decided to call from his mobile and saw his mobile locked..

Their love is destinated...  Abhigya..Devanshki..Purbul..Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя