Clay Jensen{3}

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"I'm just saying, Clay, as your best friend who's known you since you ate my glue stick in kindergarten, I would know when you like someone before you even realize it."
"What's that supposed to mean, Y/N?"
You sighed at Clay's lack of common sense.
"Do you really not know what I'm talking about?"
"No, I don't."
You rolled your eyes and kicked him in the leg. "Clay, I'm talking about you needing cold showers to help your little friend down there whenever you see Hannah. You're actually in love. And very, visibly, attracted to her."
"How did this conversation go so wrong so fast?"
"I'm your best friend, part of my life long job is to be brutally honest. Also, I just needed you to accept it."
"Y/N, just remember, I could've said the same thing to Jeff."
"Yes Clay, you could've, but I, unlike you, know how to accept feelings that involve holding hands and such."
"I mean, if you can easily snag Jeff the handsome jock with that face, confessing my feelings to Hannah shouldn't be too hard."
Your bitch face rested in, in response to his sarcasm."Wow, I love you, too, bro.

13 Reasons Why Imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora