Ichimatsu nii-san ! (1/2)

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Ichimatsu was sitting in the corner of the room, watching you play with your toys. It had been 25 minutes since you played quietly while your older brother thought about a way to isolate itself. Not that he did not like you, in fact, it was quite the opposite, it's just that the young man was very, very shy. Tothe point that he suffered from it. He would like to come and play with you , he wanted it since your arrival but something at the bottom of his heart prevented him from doing so.

It was stronger than him!

All these years to flee what made him uncomfortable, weighed painfully on his shoulder, nevertheless he really wanted to change. To have friends, be able to discuss with people without wanting to hide underground and to feel at ease with his new younger sister. For God's sake, you were only a baby after all! Why couldn’t he do it? He bit his lower lip trying to calm down. His shyness was a virus, a disease which suffocated him.

Quickly, he glanced towards his younger sister to see her in her small bubble, babbling while playing with her tiny (f/c) ball. Ichimatsu began to smile, wondering what you would become when you’ll grow up. Certainly a young woman as pretty as a heart, the kind to make the heads turns. He loved your eyes. They exalt happiness and seem to sparkle every time you looked at him. All the opposite of the trash that he was. His eyes wasn't pretty as yours, well that's what he though of himself, nothing near words like 'pretty', 'handsome' or even 'worth to live'. The only thing he was sure of was that he would kill anyone who dared to approach you. Your future pretenders will have to live a hell signed Ichimatsu Matsuno before they can go out with you. His inner thoughts were interrupted by the sudden arrival of his mother, Matsuyo, bringing clothes and changes for you.

"Oh, Ichimatsu, you're still here ? I thought Karamatsu was keeping (Y/N) ... " She said, crouching down beside you as you dropped your toys to crawl at her. The woman took you in her arms and gives you a big hug before lying you down to change your diaper. Her fourth son shrugged, looking at the opposite direction.

"... He went to the park... As usual..."

"I see…"

While his mother was taking care of you, Ichimatsu looked down at the window, still sitting in his corner. The sky was clear, illuminated by the sunlight while no clouds were visible on the horizon. It was still cold on this autumn morning although nothing was comparable to the biting cold of winter. Ichimatsu began to wonder if ithe snow was still coming this year, recalling the memories of past winters. The snowball battles with his brothers in the park, the delicious shabu-shabu of his mother, the scratching sweaters and of course the christmas period. All those fond memories he had with his family was important to him and he hoped that you would also have good times at their sides.

Outwardly, he seemed to be cold, distant, neglected and sometimes sadistic, but at bottom he was an adorable and sensitive person. Besides, he began to think that it would be a good idea to start contributing to buy a nice gift for Christmas. He would talk about it to Choromatsu when he comes home.

For now, he turned his gaze to his little sister, silently observing as usual. Matsuyo had just put you a clean diaper when her eyes fell on the clock that decorated the chest, uttering a long sigh. She had so much to do today, a whole morning of laundry and then an afternoon of shopping. Moreover, her back was already hurting her so early in the morning and it was often a bad sign. Meanwhile, you had fun catching your feets, always lying down and wearing a single layer, concentrated to touch and stir your little toes. Ichimatsu smirked, a smile that disappeared instantly when his mother turned his gaze on him. She seemed to ponder while staring at her son, which made him feel uncomfortable after a few seconds. He didn't like when people stared at him like that...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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