Chapter 9 - Pulling Out The Stops

Start from the beginning

As he was driving away from the house, a memory of Natasha flashed over him and he smiled. He was remembering sitting in her hospital room reading to her and what it felt like to be the man who stood by her side.


Clint was doing some trimming around the front of the house when he saw a vehicle approaching. Though the driveway was long and the truck was not close, with his brilliant vision, he could see it was Steve driving this mystery truck. Clint waved a friendly hello and waited for him to get closer. He was surprised to see Steve but not shocked that Steve would remember where he lived. After all, he could memorize anything he wanted to.

As the truck neared the house, it slowed and made a quiet ruffling sound on the gravel driveway. Steve's window was down. "Do you need a farm hand?" Steve joked.

"Of course you would get here after all the heavy lifting is done," Clint played along. "Good to see you, buddy." Clint motioned across the driveway. "You can park right over there."

Steve parked his truck and stepped out onto the gravel, he admired how fresh the air was today.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Clint asked.

"I wanted to come visit Natasha," he said and added "not that I don't want to see you." No one had actually told Steve that Natasha was staying there but he knew. He knew.

"No offense taken," Clint said. His tone got more serious and he said "She'll be glad to see you. I think she's about sick of me." Clint was truly glad to see him, he knew this would be good for Natasha. Much like Sam, Clint already knew what feelings could be between Steve and Natasha.

Steve smiled on just one side of his mouth, lips closed. He reached back into his truck and pulled out two bouquets of flowers.

"She's not here right now though," Clint said. "I expect her back any time now. You are welcome to hang out with us and wait."

Steve nodded and changed direction from closing his door to reaching inside the truck again. He pulled out a blazer and laid it on the driver's seat. Then he started rolling his sleeves down and buttoning them, finally putting the blazer on. This wasn't a date but Steve wanted Natasha to know he was interested in her and that he was not here on a whim. He needed to look serious.

"Come on in the house," Clint motioned and they started up the steps.

Steve stepped inside and looked around, he was surprised how quiet it was.

Laura yelled from upstairs, "Clint, you have to start getting ready."

"I'll be up in a minute - Steve stopped by," Clint returned. He turned his attention back to Steve. "We're going out tonight. Nat is going to babysit."

Steve looked uncomfortable, "If I'm in the way, I can..."

Clint interrupted him, "No, not at all. Don't be silly, Nat will be back any time now. Just have a seat, make yourself comfortable." Clint did not want Steve leaving, he was glad he'd shown up.

Steve sat down on the couch and laid the flowers across his lap. Clint thought he looked like a fish out of water while at the same time being impressed that he showed up with flowers and dressed so well.

"Hope you don't mind," Clint said, "but I have to grab a shower or the wife's going to make me sleep in the barn tonight. It's been awhile since we've had a date night."

Steve nodded. "Three kids... that must be a challenge to get out alone."

"Well yeah but not as much as finding someone to watch them who we feel safe with. Keeping a low profile is a concern as well, I guess."

The Heart Thaws In Its Own Time (Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff)Where stories live. Discover now