The Fights

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Silver's POV

Mia was now 3. Today was her birthday and we had invited our friends from Möbius.

"Say, cheese!" I said as I took a photo of her. She stood in front of her cake and smiled. Everyone applaud. Shadow visited with others. Mia got up from her seat an ran toward him. "Daddy!" She shouted as she ran. "Baby girl!" Shadow said as he picked her up. He kissed her little cheek and she giggled.

Sonic came by. "So, how's it been?" I asked him. "Good, it's been fine. Egg Head hasn't been active in two weeks, so I just took a little break." He said smiling.

Shadow's POV

"Yeah, it's been hard too." I said as I talked with Scourge and my bike gang. Mia wriggled in my arms. I let her down and she ran off. My gang soon left because they had something to do. Then Scourge and I started drinking.

"Yeah, I know. I was like, you go run to mother you piece of shit." Scourge said. I laughed loudly with him. He put his bottle down. "It's a shame that you and Silver haven't gotten married yet." Scourge said.

"Huh?" "Yeah, if you're not married, someone could take him away and your daughter. Or he could leave you." I soon became mad. "Silver would never do that." I said with a growl. "Wanna bet?" Scourge said rolling up his sleeves.

"Bring it on." I said. He took me down, but I got back up and took him down. He growled and punched me. I punched him back and people started staring. Silver came out from the group with Mia hiding behind his leg. "What's going on?" He asked. I looked at him, but a fist hit my face and I feel back. Mia ran to me. "Daddy!" She said as she got on her knees and hugged me. I watched Scourge smirk and leave.

Silver's POV

It was about 11:00 when I was cleaning the table from the party while Shadow swept the floor. Then I approached him. "Hey Si-" I but I had slapped him across the face. He put a hand on his cheek. "Ow... What was that for?" He asked. My eyes got watery. "Like you don't know." I said crossing my arms. "I don't know."

"This was suppose to be Mia's especial day, not some wrestling match." I said angry. "Silver, look I'm sor-" "That's all you care about. Always fighting. What about Mia? What about Me? What about us? Don't you ever think of anything else but yourself?" Asked him as tears ran down my face. "I care you just neve-" "Sure you do. If you do you wouldn't have started that fight out there!"

"Silver I didn't do it. Scourge he-" "No Shadow, I saw you starting it with your attitude." "WON'T YOU SHUT UP AND LISTEN?! I DIDN'T start that fight! It was all Scou-" "Shadow why are you so self-" We stopped talking as we heard some little steps. We both sighed.

"Alright Mia, come out..." I said looking down. She came from behind the counter. He looked sad and very. "Mommy, I saw you hit Daddy." She said looking at Shadow's red mark on his face. "No, it's okay. We were just talking." Shadow said. "About what?" She asked. "About your party." I said.

"Wasn't it a blast?" Shadow asked me. "Oh yeah." I agreed. She smiled widely. Her little blue eyes sparkled. "I love you. I hope you stay together forever." She said hugging our legs both. "Me too." I said looking at her and getting a glimpse at Shadow who looked still mad.

Shadow's POV

We went up stairs to our room with Mia. There I got on my side of the bed and Silver on his. Mia in between. I turned my back to them and closed me eyes. I was mad, yet tired. I wanted to go down stairs and sleep on the couch. I was falling asleep anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2014 ⏰

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