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Silver's POV

I walked out to the pool and there were not a lot of people there, it was a warm and wonderful day. Shadow had his ears pinned back and he looked a bit scared. "What's wrong Shadow?" I asked he didn't answer, he just hid in my shirt, but was soon uncovered as I took my shirt off. He cried.

"Shadow, it's fine! I'll swim by your side if you'd like." I said holding him in my hands. He whined loudly. "Shadow, we don't act that way now do we?" He groaned. I jumped in the water still holding Shadow up to the surface, I started slowly putting him in the water. His little leg touched the water and he whined loudly running up on top of my head. I laughed. "Okay, I'll take it slow. I won't let you drown, I swear! You're not going to drown I got you..." I said slowly putting him in the water. He started shivering. I smiled. Taking care of him I like taking care of a little child. He started to paddle with his two back feet. I laughed. "You're not even in the water yet!" I smiled. I put him in the water and he swam in a circle.

He squealed in happiness. I watched him play in the water. I swam by his side. He got on my back but was soon thrown into the water by me. He smiled and plashed me with his hind legs. I floated on my back and Shadow on my stomach. He snuggled. I laughed a he tickled me. It was getting late and I decided to get him out with me. He got on my head and I walked with him. I showered and he showered in the sink. He was really smart for a small animal. "Shadow, I'm getting out so you might want to cover your eyes." I said. I heard a small squeal. I got out and he was turned around. I got my towel and put it around my waist. I took Shadow out to the bed. I changed in the bathroom.

"Okay, what do you want to do Shadow?" I said as I stared at him sitting on the bed. He jumped out of the bed and onto the carpeted floor. He scratched the door. "You want to go outside?" I asked he shook his head. He took my phone from my pocket. He unlocked it and went to the notes. He clicked the key pad.

He tossed me to phone. I looked at the message.

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