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She didn't know how she managed to do it, but Clarice convinced Jim to take her along. He had long since gone onto the roof with Sherlock while she stood guard at the door to ensure the detective didn't chicken out.

It had felt like she had been waiting outside the door for an hour, but her heart dropped to her stomach when she heard a gunshot. 'Do not go out that door for any reason at all. If I come back, if I don't, stay off this roof.'

Ignoring Jim's previous words, she slammed the door open, meeting the shocked gaze of Sherlock. No. Clarice's feet moved on their own and she was running towards him but the detective met her halfway and kept her away from the body laying on the ground.

She heard screaming, and after a few minutes of it, she realized they were her own. She managed to tear herself away from Sherlock to drop beside Jim's lifeless body.

Her knees were getting soaked in blood as she hunched over him, holding his bloody head to her chest as she sobbed, clenching her necklace tightly in her fist. She sat like that for a long time. When she finally stood, she had stopped crying and grew stiff, hardly turning her head to adress Sherlock.

"If you don't throw yourself off this roof," she stated in a dark voice, "I'll kill you with my bare hands." She slowly walked back towards the door she came out of, shutting the door and glaring at it as her bloody fingers smoothed over the fawn around her neck.

\Months later\

Clarice laid motionless in the middle of Jim's bed, the fingers of one hand smoothing over her necklace and the other pressing buttons on a phone. Hitting the green button, she held it some distance away from her face and waiting for the ringing to stop. "I'm ready."


Clarice sat cross legged in the middle of her room, shifting uncomfortably in her straight jacket and admiring her necklace in a mirror. It hadn't taken much, but she had persuaded Mycroft to let her keep it.

He often visited her, along with doctors, trying to get her to turn around or speak. She never acknowleged anyone or even turned her head, using her mirror to watch them instead.

After a year and a half, that changed. Clarice counted the footsteps in the hall and recognized Mycroft's gait with a sigh. "I brought you a visitor," he announced. Clarice shrugged and moved her head to an imaginary tone, freezing when someone began whistling the same one aloud.

The footsteps didn't match any that she had heard since being placed in Sherrinford. When the footsteps stopped, her eyes shot to the mirror, a mad grin imediately stretching over her cheeks. "Miss me?"

The End

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