"We're sure that you have an idea, Mr. Styles." Another man with an upturned nose said. His words held an amused tone to it, like he was mocking Harry. "You hold quite a number in addition to the pile."

Harry frowned at this. No need to be rude. he wanted to say. Though of course he couldn't say that as he would just be adding 'to the pile' of whatever problems the management seemed to be listing.

"Anyway, you are all aware of how awful the look of your current situation is."

"I wouldn't say-"

The man have Niall a stern look. "It wasn't a question, Mr.Horan."

But Niall, who was hardly in the right state right now having consumed probably half the liquor contents of the bar, ignored this. "Will you ever stop calling me that?" He said, slurring his words a little if you listen carefully "Mr. Horans my dad."

The man frowned even more at this, sensing that Niall wasn't in the right mind. He sighed long and hard and if it wasn't for the faith he was holding, he would have given up on these boys ages ago. His mind told him that this plan would work, and he held hope on that.

With that, he then proceeded in telling them the plan.

"... This lovely young young lady is called Eva Hunt and she is to write fanfiction on you, and also create a beter image of all of you to her hundreds and thousands of followers."

"I don't get it," Niall drawled. "how can writing fairytales on us be helpful?" He looked genuinely confused, that Zayn had to stifle a laugh.

"Writing these so called fairytales, are what indicates what you're fans feel or think about you. Hardly anyone may recognise it but people usually portray you in what they think you behave in normal life or what you are capable of."

"For example, why would anyone write about someone as being evil when one is clearly not evil?" He paused to let this sink in everyone's heads. "There will always be that thought that that person is capable of being that, even if small."

Louis, who wasn't quite persuaded yet asked, "So what does this Eva girl do?"

"She will portray you in a different light of course." He said as if the answer was obvious.

"So you want her to lie about us?" Harry said.

The man wasn't taken aback. "You may not believe it, but fanfiction can influence a lot of peoples perspective. Think of it as a little like PR." he smiled.

Louis sighed and shook his head, still not fully in support. "I don't believe that fanfiction will help our problems. We are in too deep to play around with something that may not even work."

"Ah, but that's the thing Mr.Tomlinson." Louis nearly winced at that, his age taking a big hit. "It may not work bit it may also work. This aswell is not the only thing to the plan. We are also planning to use the oldest trick in the PR book."

"And what exactly is this?" Liam asked cautiously.

"Fake dating, or course." The man laughed. "How many times have your fans asked 'when are you going to date a fan?' Well, we're giving them exactly what they want. Eva is still a follower of yours and so, dating her would hopefully raise you on the good books of directioners."

"We have discussed this and we all think that the most suitable person to date her would be Harry."

"Why does he get called by his first name?" Niall sulkily muttered.

"What!" Harry shouted, getting of his chair. "With all due respect sir but I don't think I'm the best choice."

Liam snorted. "This is us giving you a chance to settle down with one girl. I suggest you take it," he said in a snarky tone.

Harry's head snapped in his direction. "What the hell is that supposed to mean." he growled.

"You know exactly what it means."

"You don't understand, there's a reason why I don't date." Harry shook his head in a desperate motion.

"And why is that?" Liam's eyebrows rose.

Harry couldn't say anything, his mouth glued together. No one knew about his past. Not even the boys he called his brothers. Only Louis knew some detail but didn't even know the whole story.

Louis sensing his best mate's sticky situation, butted in. "Liam, can you please lay off. You're acting like such a dick." Then he turned to the management, who were watching the show with amused eyes. "If this is a shot to help us be better, we'll gladly take it."

Harry reached out to him with wide eyes. "But Louis I-"

"Don't worry." He tried to reassure him, placing his hands on Harry's. "Well figure something out."

Harry looked down at their entwined hands then stared into Louis' eyes. "Okay... okay."

"Boys? Is there something going on here?" One of the men asked, switching his gaze from the both of them in surprise.

"With what?" Louis and Harry looked confused.

Zayn snickered at the men's thoughts. Although it did look and sound like Harry and Louis were in a relationship (especially with the show they put up just now) he knew better than to think that. Those two were just tight as two best friends can be.

The man awkwardly cleared their throats, sensing that they weren't on the same page. "It's a good thing that your accepting our proposition."

"Can we go now?" Niall suddenly was alert, sitting up on his chair.

"However," the man continued as if there wasn't any interruptions. "There are a few conditions to ensure your safety and the success of this plan. You will be living in a house that we bought away from the hustles and bustles of the city... all together."

Things started to become chaotic. The boys all had something to say about the new living arrangement but it was only Zayn really that had the valid reason. He was already married to Perrie and was pretty sure that living with the boys wouldn't be on her wish list.

"I can't. I have a wife and you know that." he tried to protest.

They were having none of it. "No arguments. This is the final decision," one of them said sternly.

"We'll agree to all living together if Zayn can be an exception. This condition is unfair to him and Perrie." Louis tried to persuade.

"Look boys, we have discussed this and we assure you that we can see where you're coming from. However, this is your last straw, don't you get it? Mess this chance up and we won't be hearing from any of you again. So in no circumstances are any of you enclined to speak out right now and complain, when we are only trying to help you fix the miss all of you have made. Is that clear?"

With no fight in them left, the boys all muttered yes and turned to stand up, shoulders slouched.

"And one more thing. Eva will be living with you."

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