Meeting his best friend

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Chapter Three: Meeting His Best Friend

Since our first date Blake and I had gone out three more times.

On our second date he took me out to lunch on the board walk.

Our third date, we went to the Clippers facility after his practice, and let's just say he taught me a few things about basketball.

And since he had taken me to play basketball with him, I took him to play volleyball on the beach with some of my teammates.

To say the least, we had been seeing a lot of each other lately, and I have started to develop feelings for him. But I wasn't exactly sure what we were.

Blake invited me over to his house for the first time. And being in college, the biggest houses I've come in contact with is the Frat house, but that did not even compare to how beautiful and huge Blake's house is.

After he gave me grand tour of the house, we sat down in the living room and started talking.

"Kenzy," Blake said as I was still admiring the house.

"Yeah, sorry," I said looking back at him.

"I want you to meet someone..." he said while picking up his cup.

"What? Like your parents?" I asked shocked because we technically weren't even dating.

"Ah, Kenzy. You wanna meet my parents already, don't you?" he said joking.

"Haha," I laughed sarcastically, "Who do you want me to meet?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"My friend, DJ. He's on my team." Blake told me.

"Aw, you want me to meet your best friend," I said as I reached over to pinch his cheek, "I'm honored," I said sitting back down.

"Alright, alright whatever. But seriously I think you'll like him." He said as I got up and walked around the table to where Blake was.

"Then I can't wait to meet him." I said then kissed him on his cheek.

He got up from his chair and said, "Are you leaving already?" He said and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, I gotta go. We have a last minute practice because of our tournament on Saturday," I said while Blake still had his arms around me. "Alright, I'll see you later, Kenz." He said then kissed my forehead. Then he walked me to my car.

The Next Day

I was at work, in the middle of telling Paige about Blake.

"Wow, his house must've been huge." Paige said in astonishment.

"Yeah, it was. But after he gave me a tour, he told me he wanted me to meet his best friend." I told her.

"Oh my God. You know what that means, right?" Paige said frantically.

"No, what?" I asked.

"That means he likes you and wants to show you off to his friend. Ya'll are finally getting serious!!! So when are you meeting him?" Paige said frantically. I wasn't exactly sure what she was saying.

"Um, Saturday night."

"But what about your tournament?"

"Yeah, I probably won't be able to get to his house until 8:00"

"8 pm?" Paige asked shocked.

"No, Paige. 8 am!" I said sarcastically then left.

Saturday Night

Comfortable Love (Blake Griffin)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ