Out in the cold

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Emily couldn't believe it, the man who she thought was her prince Charming had just shot her, okay maybe it wasn't wise on her part to have make Victoria believe that she actually faked her pregnancy, but did that gave Daniel the right to shoot her ? Emily was so cold and she couldn't think straight that she started drowning, she thought about her baby who was probably dead, it didn't deserve to die here in the cold. her eyes started to close again and that is when Emily noticed a small boat, she succeeded to swim to it, she climbed on it and what happend after.. she has no clue.

Emily was found 5 hours after the shooting, the boat was sailing to the New Jersey docks when one of the man heard something in the back. When he found Emily he immediately called out for help. Emily was taken to a hospital in New Jersey and it didn't take the staff too long to find out that the unconscious woman was in fact Emily Grayson née Thorne.

The Graysons had all gathered in the hospital in New Jersey and were waiting for news about Emily's condition. though Charlotte, Conrad and even Patrick shared looks of concern for Emily, the same couldn't be said for Victoria nor Daniel. Victoria saw the shooting as karma for the bitch, because she had destroyed her son, Daniel felt guilty. He was the reason for Emily's condition; she had lied to him and used him for his wealth and famous name, so why did he feel so guilty ? The doctor walked in and started talking.'Daniel, can I talk to you for a minute ? Even though Emily suffered a lot of injuries, she has proven to be very strong and so are the twins she is carring'. The look of horror on Daniels face, had he really shot his pregnant wife ? 'uhh.. uh what do you mean twins, I mean.. uh.. the shooting it's.. it's not possible ?!' 'Well the babies are really small like 7 weeks and because of the position they had been laying they weren't affected by the bullets.' Oh my god he had just shot his own wife, his own children and for what because he was too drunk after he had heard that Sara tried to kill herself ? He had already broken the promise of making her and their child.. childeren happy.

And what did the doctor say Charlotte asked. 'She has lost a lot of blood and she has a head trauma, but... uh.. Victoria: 'but what'. Not that she really cared. 'Emily is 7 weeks pregnant and the twins.. they survived the bullets'. everybody stood there in complete shock, was Emily pregnant when she was shot ? once again everybody felt different emotions. Conrad was glad that he was going to be a grandfather, Charlotte couldn't believe it; she was going to be an aunt again, Patrick just stood there and Victoria.. well that was a different story. She didn't believe it for a bit, pregnant ? pff she was a 100% sure that Emily was not pregnant, but why did the doctor tell Daniel she was expecting twins ? 'Mom a word.' 'How did you know huh, that Emily was pregnant ?' 'Uh uhm I saw your wallet, there was something sticking out and when I looked at it, I saw it was a picture of a sonogram. Son I promise I had nothing to do with the shooting of Emily, I swear'. 'I know. It was me, I heard your argument with Emily and I just.. I just lost it. I was so drunk that I couldn't even think straight.' 'and not only did I shot my wife, but also our twins.' 'Oh daniel, I know what I heard, she admitted not to be pregnant with your child, but.. but that doesn't mean that she wasn't pregnant with that bottom feeder Aiden Mathis. Think about it, he himself told me that Emily had slept with him after you two got back together, he is the father I'm sure of it.' Daniel thought about what his mother said, it dit make sense, but he didn't had much time to think about it, charlotte called out that Emily was awake.

'where.. where am I ? Who are all of you ?' Emily looked so panicked, that's when the doctor told everyone to get out. once they were out, the doctor told the Graysons that Emily was probably suffering of amnesia, because the shooting has caused a big trauma. Daniel didn't know what to think, he was the cause of all her pain and probably the pain of two innocent childeren, but if Emily could't remember that meant he wouldn't go to jail and maybe they could have a chance again ? 'Where is she ? I wanna see her' Nolan and the rest of the world had all heard the news about Emily being shot and there he was demanding to see his best friend, who felt like a little sister to him. Security hired by the Graysons tried to stop him, untill Daniel told them to leave him, Daniel told Nolan about Emily being pregnant, something Nolan obviously knew as Ems best friend and then he told Nolan about the amnesia. Nolan:' Victoria I swear if something happens to those babies or Emily's memories don't return, I will kill you with my bear hands'. Though Nolan didn't seem like the violent type, everybody in that room believed it when he said that.

The investigation continued, the police didn't have a lot to go on, but Victoria remained prime suspect number one, she was the only one without an aliby. She was put on house arrest for the time being until Emily could tell them herself who had shot her. In the three weeks that followed people walked in and out of Emily's hospital room. They hoped they could help Emily regain her memory again. Though Daniel didn't say anything, he didn't like it for one bit. It was eventually a close friend to Emily and Amanda, Amiyah, someone they met while partying in Las Vegas, who had helped Emily gained her memory.

A/N heyy guys so what did you think ? I'm gonna be putting a little more speed in the story. Hope you guys liked this kind of long story. I came up with the friend Amiyah myself, Amiyah is played by the actress Amiyah Scott and I love her. see you guys next time

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