She reached over to her phone and skipped the song.
She didn't need any nostalgia. She didn't need to shed any more tears about the way things had been.

Sasha dried her eyes and set her jaw.

Jeremy Cox was just a memory.


Jeremy adjusted his tie and glared at his reflection in the shiny clear mirror. The evening was not going well at all. Despite the event being for a good cause, he could not believe what his mother was trying to do .

He gritted his teeth and remembered he was doing this for his dad.
His father was a business mogul. As the owner and CEO of H-Cox Industries, there wasn't much he didn't own. His major breakthrough had been in the oil business but now, he was wisely branching out of that to include energy saving devices in order to slow down global warming. He was trying to save the world and Jeremy knew he had to support his father in that.

For a while, his dad had always thought He'd follow in his footsteps. That Jeremy would take over the company when he could no longer go on and keep the business in the family. That dream was waylaid instantly. Jeremy had no interest in running a business especially one that was as massive as H-Cox Industries or HCI. There were too many processes and too much work associated with it. He just didn't have the business man in him.

He knew one day, he'd inherit the company but he hoped that by then, he'd be interested in business. His dad still harbored thoughts that Jeremy would grow out of his performing arts craze. Jeremy really didn't want to disappoint him.

Which was why he was there at Slow Climate Change Fundraiser in Baltimore, Maryland. The fundraiser was hosted by his dad and as the son and future heir of the company, he had to be there. The money was going to go towards provision of energy saving devices and reducing the carbon footprint in major cities in Africa. Most African countries could not be bothered with things like recycling and alternative energy sources so the money was intended to help them facilitate the interest and join forces with the rest of the world to slow down global warming.

It was an auction event where items, trips, and even businesses were put up by donors and given to the highest bidder. Money could be donated by anyone around the world who was tuned in to the event and wanted to play a part in changing the world.

Jeremy was awed to be there. The event was filled with senators, movie directors and producers, former presidents, governors and so many high class individuals. The only downside was how his mother was trying to force a girl on him.

They'd met friends of the family and after discovering a pretty girl his age amongst them, his mother was playing match maker. It was horrendously embarrassing to him because he had no interest in Kianga Tamele whatsoever.

He understood that his mom was tired of him moping around everywhere but seriously he was fed up with Kianga already. She was clearly into him and for most of the event would whisper her thoughts and observations into his ear like he gave a fuck.

It was his mother's fault they were forced to sit together and now, he'd escaped to the bathroom to get a little bit of privacy. He was not ready to deal with any girl except for Sasha.

Pursing his lips, he ran a hand through his his hair gently and slapped his cheeks. He could do this. He would make it through this event like a man. Yes.

When he got out of the bathroom, he made his way to the dinner table reserved for his family and select friends. A jazz band was playing as waiters served delicious food in bronze platters. The entire decor of the place was eye catching and fancy. Of course it would be, since it was his mother that dealt with the decorations.

Beastiful || Completed||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora