CHAPTER 1: Last Young Renegade Tour

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A/N: You can either listen to Dirty Laundry or Last Young Renegade (or any song off of the album) honestly it doesn't really matter.



I sat there listening to 'Dirty Laundry' All Time Low's newest release, it sounded so good! Since I was little I had always loved All Time Low. Most of my obsession I blamed on my older sister, she always listened to them.

I was so excited that they were finally going on tour again. I hadn't dreamed of missing a concert since I started listening to them.

"Looks good on you" The song ends and I sigh getting up from my place on the bed. 

"I'll just have to wait to see them."


You run to your sisters room.

"ALEX ALEX ALEX" I shout with envy on the tip of your tongue. I was always jealous that she got to share the lead singer of All Time Low's name.

"Bella, what is it?"

"THE TOUR DATES HAVE BEEN RELEASED. Are you ready for another concert!"

"Oh shit! Really? What are the dates?"

"They are going to be in Chicago on July 21st"

Nothing is said. Alex just stares at me.

I stare back questionally, "Alex... What's wrong? Aren't you excited?"

"Yeah of course bella!" she pauses to clear her throat, "It's just that all my friends and I have already been planning to see Kesha."

I drop my jaw.

"I'm sorry sweetie, you know I never would wish to miss out on a concert, but..."

She was cut short with my temper, "Alex! We've never missed a concert, you can't just not go!!"

"Listen Bella, I already promised my friends I would go, and we have tickets already, but I'll make it up  to you." a grin creeps up her face, "How about I buy the tickets for you... and make them VIP?"

I grunted. I loved the idea of having VIP tickets, but I made a mental note to still be pissed of that she is ruining our tradition. I did have a reason to feel that way, "Fine, but don't think I'm not gonna be mad."

"Oh get over it" she rolls her eyes, "Now get out of my room so I can finish my homework"

I leave her room. Even with that bummer I still have a bundle of excitement and I can't help but smile with glee. I'm going to see All Time Low. Even after seeing them multiple times I can't shake how much I love watching them on stage.

A/N: I'm sorry, this chapter is pretty much just All Time Low stuff, but I promise that Awsten is coming up ;)

Anyways I hope you guys like this first chapter, it was lowkey frustrating writing it cuz I wanted it to be one way and it was perfect in my head, but putting it into  words was harder than expected. Love y'all ^.^

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