Who all knows?

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I was relieved that Butcher didn't tell the boys about Brady and I, the amount of pressure I had on my back was ridiculous. It was time for us to go live and I was freaking out because who knows what Butcher is going to end up doing, "Hey Drew you okay you seem a little off tonight?" Michael asked as he took a seat right beside me, "Oh nothing I'm just a little nervous about this whole thing." He looked at me, "Why are you nervous?" He said while smiling, I looked over a t Brady who was watching the others practice "Umm no reason." I said while starting to smile, "I know Drew." My stomach then turned upside down, "About what?" I tried to play it off cool "I saw you and Brady, I didn't say anything because it's not my place to and so I didn't. I'll let you tell them when you feel it's right." I smiled at the fact that Michael was being so nice, "Why so nice Michael?" and that's when the tables had turned, "Oh no reason." He smirked at me and then left, "Wow I see how it is." When the time hit 4:55 that's when Butcher decided it was time to be an ass, "Hey guy's we got a couple of gay's in this very room." every body turned to him, I was not ready for this..."Our very own Drew Ramos and Brady Tutton  have been seeing each other right under our noses." Then everybody went from staring at Butcher to Brady and I, immediately tears rushed down Brady's eyes as he ran to the bathroom. "Really Bitcher?"Michael said "Aww man you got me bumped up." Marcus said. "We already knew that." Chance said as he turned towards me, "We all figured that there was something between you two so it wasn't even surprising." I was relieved that it was no secret and the fact that the other boy's were all okay with that, plus it only made Butcher look like the bad guy here. I ran to the bathroom where Brady was and found him sitting down crying in his hands, I walked towards him and cradled him in my arms as the other guys started to come in, "Brady man it's okay." Jaden said while patting his shoulder, "Yeah we already knew that you two had a thing." Mikey added in, Brady lifted his head with tears falling from his face... I took a napkin and wiped them away, "Plus Brady even if it was a surprise, we wouldn't care that you liked Drew because we wouldn't judge you, we're all friends here and that's all that matters." "Thanks Jay" Brady said as he stood up, the boy's gave him a group hug and that's when I realized Butcher was not even there, I didn't care but the fact that he tried to embarrass us was funny. 

The next day I woke up once again facing the love of my life, Brady was sleeping right beside me and if you have ever seen him sleep then you would know what I am talking about, "Why are you staring at me?" Brady groaned as he opened his eyes, I smiled at the thought that I was able to say that I was staring at the most beautiful person I've ever seen before, "Well silly I'm looking at you." I giggled as I leaned in to give him a kiss.
We got ready and went down to the pool where everybody else was hanging out. I saw Jay sitting with a girl hearing him say "Oh my god Kyanna you are so cute." Letting his giggle escape his mouth, I walked over to him with Brady's hand in mine, "Hey Jay who is this?" I asked while bringing Brady in closer to me, Jay smiled and pulled Kyanna closer to him, "This is Kyanna, she is Chances best friend, I think I am going to steal her away so I can have her all to myself." Jay laughed as he planted a kiss on her forehead, "Oh good luck with that kid!" Chance yelled from across the pool, he was walking over to us with water droplets falling off of him while holding Brooklyn. "Hey Kyanna I am taking Brooklyn out to eat want to come with?" Kyanna shook her head in agreement while she got up taking Jays hand in hers, and now I am alone at the pool with Brady, I squeezed his hand a little he gave out a little groan I probably squeezed too tight, "Ugh Drew your hand squeezing is atrocious." I laughed at the cute blonde standing beside me, I gave him a quick kiss and with that I took of my shirt and jumped into the water, the coolness of the wet sensation gave me chills and I turned to see Brady sitting at the edge, I wasn't sure how this day was going to turn out but I was starting to like it already, spending a day with my boyfriend Brady Tutton is all I could ask for and nothing else but to live a simple life with the one I love the most.

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