My Best Friend's A Werewolf?

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Chapter 1

Sophie's P.O.V

I pulled my car up beside my therapists house out in the middle of no where.                                                  Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. My name's Sophie Tanner, I'm 16, I have long curly black hair with pink highlights and bright blue eyes, I'm 5'0 ft  and am currently attending therapist sessions... oh joy( note the sarcasm) !

You see, when I was 12 I went on a camping trip with my parents and in the middle of the night wolves attacked us. They ripped my parents apart while I watched leaving me with just a few scratches and a fear of large canines. A few hours after the attack a couple of rangers found me terrified in forest. With both of my parents dead the state sent me to my aunts in Iowa .

My aunts started sending me to therapy after I started having nightmares about wolves. I don't mind it, it's just that my shrinks office is miles from civilisation and it takes time away from my cheerleading practice. Yeah, sure it'll help me over come my fears, but it's been four years it's not working. I still flinch everytime I see a dog bigger than a poodle. Stupid, I know, but it is what it is.









Sorry it was so short but I just wanted to see how it went before continued. Please point out any of my mistakes, vote and comment. And keep on mind that it's all fiction. :) xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2014 ⏰

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