Episode 2: Better Safe Than Sorry

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"Corneillia, he's headin' your way, hurry up and block him before he reaches the stretch!" Said Luther's voice through Corneillia's headset.

"Aye, I'm on it, no need to shout in my ears," Corneillia said while rolling her eyes.

She put her right leg behind her in order to push her body forward as she head in her designated direction in a quick burst of speed.

Their target arrived in that area a few seconds after she did, just as Luther said.

Their target wore a cloak that covered his entire body, his grey beard the only thing that stood out.

Coming to a stop he carefully looked around him, trying to strategize his next move.

"You're cornered, there's no where for you to go, so be a good boy and give yourself up already," Corneillia said as she held her hand out.

The man looked at her hand carefully before making a 'hiss' sound, making a form of purple gas leave his mouth, surrounding Corneillia.

The first part of her body the gas made contact with was her arm. As it ran along, her arm began to corrode, turning her skin into a rough, black substance.

Realizing what was happening, Corneillia pulled herself away as quickly as possible and ran to a safe distance.

As the targeted person came walking through the thick purple fog, licking his fangs, ready for a treat, a lime green arrow sped it's way through his neck making him fall to the ground with a thud.

Once the corrosive fog cleared, Luther landed in the area where the man's dead body fell.

Corneillia clutched her half corroded arm as she got up, "You didn't have to kill him."

Luther stooped to a point where he could further examine the body, "If I didn't you'd be his dinner right about now."

"I had it under control!" She yelled.

"Notice the keyword in that sentence, had. You lost control of the situation once you became all chummy with the enemy. If you did what you were supposed to do, he would've still been alive right now," Luther got up and walked over to where Corneillia stood, "I didn't kill him, you did."

After saying that, Luther began to walk away then briefly turned his head back to her, "And please remember to not be so careless. If it wasn't for Ameria's healing factor, that corrosive poison would've spread throughout your body and you'd be dead," he said as he disappeared into the night.

After he left, she rolled her eyes as she sat on the cold pavement, "He's right you know," Ameria whispered in her head.

"Oh come on! You're supposed to be on my side here!" Corneillia yelled.

Ameria slightly chuckled, " I said nothing of such sort."

Corneillia sighed as her hand began to revert to it's normal state.

"Do you think he'll ever come back?" Corneillia asked.

"I don't know for sure.... It's already been a year, and he hasn't been involved in anything that could possibly hint us on his return... Maybe he's-"

"Don't you dare say it!" Corneillia interrupted.

After that, Ameria decided to stay quiet for a while.

Placing both hands on the pavement, Corneillia looked up at the night sky and sighed once more, "Where could you possibly be hiding? We need you... I need you."



lood splattered into the wind, being blown away by the gentle breeze as a typical black haired man fell to his knees.

Taurus licked the blood off his cheek while bearing his fangs.

"How dare you try to fight me when you know I hate getting my hands dirty?" He said while staring into the man's eyes as it watered.

"Please... You can kill me a thousand times, but please leave my daughter out of this, she's only six... Please," the man cried.

Taurus rolled his eyes, "Fine, I'll consider your request."

There was a slight silence before he smirked, "How about we play a little game, with her life, shall we?" He advanced one step away from where the man knelt, "Well it's not like you have much of a choice anyways."

"I'll do anything," the man desperately replied.

"If you are able to stop me from getting a hold of her, she can go but you die, but if you aren't successful... It's the other way around. What do you say?"

The man only nodded as tears streamed down his face.

"Ready?" Taurus asked.

As he got up, he set his hands in a way to block Taurus from seeing his daughter.

"Go!" Taurus said as the little girl began to run and the man launched himself forward.

Despite his efforts, he failed the moment it began, for the shadows were already beginning to devour the young girl, but unaware of this, he still tried to fend off Taurus.

"Aww looks like you lose," Taurus boasted as he began to walk away.

Turning around, only to see his daughter torn to shreds, he tried to tackled Taurus but his head exploded before he got too close.

Tasting the blood on his lips, Taurus smiled, "Way too easy."


Corneillia slowly opened the door of her apartment, only to see Yukinae raiding her fridge... Again.

"Put them down," Corneillia said as she stepped into the room.

"Being a witch is a hard job, I need food," Yukinae replied.

"Yeah, but you didn't go to work today, so you have no excuses."

"Neither did Lyn or Stell, and they've been sleeping all day," Yukinae countered.

Falling into the couch, Corneillia asked, "When did I get involved with so much lazy people?"

"Hey, we're not lazy, we work just as hard as you do. The only difference is, we take our days off when we get them."

Yukinae walked to the couch with lots of food floating behind her.

"Just hurry and get back on the job, Luther is a being a major pain in the ass," Corneillia  sighed.

"Yeah we could do that, OR, you could take a day off," Yukinae said while giving Corneillia a friendly wink.

Stell slowly walked into the room, wearing her grey bathrobe while rubbing her eyes, "Luther isn't that bad once you get to know him."

Corneillia glared at her, "You're the reason I have to put up with that guy, imagine how much better my life would be if you weren't dating him!"

Lyn placed his hand on Stell's shoulder and teleported away while saying, "Let her be, just let her be."


Taurus sat on the cliff over Elqiou City while  gently swinging his feet, "I wonder if they miss me."

"I swear if you hurt them I'll-"

"Oh shut up! Their fate is not yours to decide, it's mine."

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