ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙: 𝔸𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕡𝕦𝕣

Start from the beginning

If he suddenly got tired of me, why didn't he just tell me? Now I know how girls feel when a guy they like doesn't call back after their first date. I didn't have any intimate feelings for Kyle but he was my only friend, a brother, a true mate. I guess I was too blind to see that it all wasn't true. I shook it off for the time being and figured I should  write Jacks back, to thank him for his help.

My phone suddenly dings. A text from my party mate, Hayes, asking if I want to maybe hangout today. I sigh. "Why not" I say. I message her back asking where we should hang and just go back to writing the letter.

Phone dings again.

Deep Throat Queen 🐸☕️: Maybe a bar or club, do you have your fake?

Me: Does Josh in third period have the greatest ass in our grade?

Deep Throat Queen 🐸☕️: It's okay, I wouldn't say the greatest but I guess

I sigh, Me: Yes, I have my fake. Let's go to that new club that just opened around your house

Deep Throat Queen 🐸☕️: Great! Don't blow chunks today

Me: I'll try to contain my excitement, don't let the first guy that gives you attention into your pants

Deep Throat Queen 🐸☕️: I have to uphold my reputation 😘

Me: 🙄

I finish the letter and set it on my nightstand. I can mail it tomorrow.

I get changed and walk over to Hayes's house.

She's the only girl at school I can stand. The others are just mindless, dick thirsty, bitches. Kinda like Hayes except she can think. Also a great person to party with, always getting us the strongest drinks and even drunk she still manages to get us a ride home and not caught by our parents. Her parents are always busy working so if I'm too shit faced she'll just let me sleep over.

                            ⬇️ Hayes ⬇️

I stop in front of her house and walk up to the door to ring the bell

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I stop in front of her house and walk up to the door to ring the bell. Before I even push the button Hayes opens the door and ask me what took me so long.

Another thing I like about Hayes, she never takes too long to get ready.

"Alright so what's our limit tonight?" I asked walking off the porch.

"Well," she walks down the steps while looking at her feet then glances up at me, "How about 8?" I look at her.

"It's Friday, and we have Monday and Tuesday off, why not go for more?" I think for a mintue, "I just don't want to blow chunks again." Hayes and I always set a limit of our drinks before we arrive.

We both walked on and arrived at the club, showed our fakes and got in. "I swear the guard was checking me out." She states proudly.

"Trust me honey, it was me he was eye humping." I laughed.

Hayes stares off behind me while I'm laughing and squints. "Darren isn't that Kyle?"

I quickly turned around to see Kyle at the bar getting real close to some girl. "He hasn't been writing me back lately." I shout over the loud music in the club.

"Go confront him about it. That girl is out of his league anyways so you won't be cock blocking." I swallow the lump in my throat and felt my nerves going out of control.

What if he says he stopped because he stopped caring? Am I ready to let the one person I've known all my life go?

I shrug and start to make my way through the dance floor over to the bar. I pretend to bump into Kyle. "Woah dude watch i- Oh hi Kyle what are you doing here?" I say with a friendly smile.

His face drops and I feel my stomach churn. "Darren...hi, um how's it going?" He seemed like him going to this club was a mistake, he had that 'I should of stayed home' look on his face.

"I see you moved back." I said emotionless.

"Y-yeah I just got back." He stuttered a bit.

"How come you didn't stop by?" I spat out trying to not show the hurt in my voice.

"Look Darren, we've been growing apart over the years and when I moved back I just decided I stop with the letters." He said.

"Why didn't you just tell me that years ago instead of letting me think we were still good mates?" I felt a knife in my back.

"I'm just joking bro!" He laughs hysterically. I'm so confused. "I went to Russia for a couple of weeks and I guess my mail wasn't sending out so I just waited until we moved back here, once I got here I decided to go clubbing first then stop by at your house in the morning."

I can't tell if I'm relived or not, I'm skeptical of this but he was always moving around so it wasn't unbelievable, I'm just still shocked he played my life like that.

"Kyle, you son of a bitch."

"Hey my mom is a saint" He chuckles.

"Sorry I didn't contact you or anything but I thought a surprise would be better. Guess I should of just stopped by first." He punches my arm and smiles.

I look at him with annoyance then smiled with relief.

He was just being his asshole self, glad to see he hasn't changed. We talk for awhile and exchange numbers this time since he says he's here to stay, no point of the old pen and paper anymore.

I pat his back and tell him I'll catch up later then make my way over to Hayes who's already talking up two guys for us. Such a great wingman.

Jacks POV (that same night)

I sent a picture of myself to Darren in the mail just so he doesn't think I'm some old pervert. I'm sure by the end of the week he'll respond.

Darren's POV (2 days later)

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Darren's POV (2 days later)

I received something else from Jacks, a picture of him. No way this guy was Jacks. He looked way too ridiculously hot! CALM YOUR SELF BOY! God I wonder if he's gay. FOCUS! IT COULD BE A FAKE PHOTO! Gosh never thought I would be gayer than I am right now. I should wait until he writes back before I jump him with questions, maybe I'll even give him my number....

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