Chapter Two

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Onyx - 19 years old

Onyx held her side, blood seeping through her fingers as she leaned against the wall outside Kyr's room. If she'd been able to go straight to a doctor, she'd probably feel much better.

Unfortunately, that wasn't an option with Kyr.

She waited for the door to open as she heard movement inside. Kyr definitely hadn't been expecting a visitor so soon. Whether he was alone or not was unclear.

She shook her head. If he wasn't, it didn't matter. He'd send the person out, she was sure.

The door finally slid open, Kyr looking more than annoyed. Not that she cared at this point. No, she didn't want to be beat, but he had said that as soon as her mission had been carried out, that she was to return straight to him.

When he saw her, he stepped aside, allowing her in.

She glanced at his bed, a little surprised to find it empty. So if he wasn't screwing someone, what had he been doing?

The pain in her side stole her from her thoughts as she hissed.

Kyr stole a glance as he walked past her. "Nasty son-of-a-bitch, isn't he?"

"He was."

"Past I do love the sound of it."

"Did you expect any less, sir?"

"From you? No."

She nodded. "May I see the doctor now, sir?"

He shook his head and motioned for her to follow him. She bit back a groan and followed him to his bathroom, which was as big and elegant as it had always been.

How she wished she'd had this luxury as a child.

Then again, had she had this kind of luxury, she wouldn't be here right now.

She quickly pushed the thoughts away as he ordered her to sit on the edge of the bath. "And take off the coat and shirt. They'll get in the way."

She nodded and did as she was told, setting her trench coat and tank top on the sink. She glanced down at her side, wincing at the large gash in her skin. That's gonna scar...

Not that she wasn't used to it. She had more scars than she could count, and she was earning more and more every day.

She watched as Kyr grabbed some supplies and moved towards her. If he were a stranger, she'd have been moved by his actions. However, she knew the reasons why he was doing it. If she didn't die during a mission, than she had to be alive and well to carry out the next one. She knew if she did die on a mission, he would just replace her.

As of right now, she couldn't afford that. She had one last person to pay a visit to before she died. And that time had yet to come.

She watched as Kyr stitched up the wound, doing her best not to flinch as the needle pierced the skin. She'd gone through this enough times to not cry or anything, but that didn't mean it hurt any less.

The two of them were silent, Onyx pondering why Kyr would want her there. It was rare when he did, but he always wanted something.

One reason she speculated was something she hadn't done and didn't plan on doing.

Going to bed with a man who'd been a teacher to her felt wrong. The fear of him still lingered, and after a bad relationship with her ex, Galen, she had no intention of getting involved with a man for a long time.

If he did want her in bed, she'd at least have a good excuse to decline.

Though he would probably just tell her to suck it up.

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