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Jada, Age-10 5/12/15

I can think of so many different things.
You're eyes,
They're as blue as the sky
On a warm sunny day.
But sadly,
They're as blue as you're troubled mind.
You wake up everyday
With so many different feels
You think its to much to bare.
You look in the mirror and think,
What do i have to do to be pretty,
The things society wants us to be,
But you cant see that you are already beautiful.
Especially within,
At school you are bullied,
For the things you wear
'Dont wear sweatpants you are fat enough.'
'Ever hear of a brush.'
These comments wear you down
They tire you.
So you change,
You eat very little, and constantly work   everyone notices,
Even parents.
And even more comments are thrown at you.
Like blades they make a cut so deep
But it is a different type of cut.
"To skinny"
"You are such a fake"
You live the rest of you're middle school life
Then freshman year
You take a look in the mirror
Who is this girl
You think to you're self.
Shes so small and fragile it cant be me!
You go to school and think
Was that really me?
Then it hits you,
This is why you are so made fun of
Nasty teenage boys walk up to you
Tear you down
Beautiful teenage girls looks at you
Then throw food at you and yell

You cant handle it.
You break down right there and then. 
But only one kid notices.
He sits by you, and says
'Dont listen to them,
You have always been beautiful.
But now its different.
I can see it in you're eyes
That you're hurting inside.
You were so positive and bright,
Now you are beat down and broken.
Not only are you're eyes blue,
But you're soul is too.'
Then from that day
I made it better.
I learned to fight my own battles.
I gained weight.
Dont sit around and let you're life waist away.
Dont just exist, live.

So I had written this in 5th grade and Im pretty proud of myself looking back at it. I will try to post my poetry every day if not every few days.

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