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The train starts to slow down waking Alex up from his sleep. He looks at me smiling and kissing my forehead. Alex stands up and pull down the window. "Hey where are we!" He yells to a boy who kinda reminds me of George. Just the thought of George makes my heart sink. I couldn't hear the boy reply but Alex yells at him again. "Give me that newspaper there!" The boy hands Alex a newspaper and he sits back down reading the paper to himself. He hands the paper to Tommy his eyes filled with hurt. "You read it I can't." He snaps to Tommy. Tommy nods and starts reading the paper out loud, but I start to zone out. All my life I never thought I would be with Alex, or ever go into war. I guess I proved my younger self, who doubted everything that I could do, wrong. I don't really care if anyone would believe me but I am the only women that fought and survived at Dunkirk.

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