chapter 20

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After that day Brett disappeared. I truly believed he would come back, but he never did. Maybe he was just giving Boston space, maybe he really was going to leave him alone. Who knows?

Boston hurt his shoulder that night, but said he was fine. It took a while for it to re-heal and get back to where it was before.

I blew up like a freaking ballon at week sixteen. Boston said I was beautiful, but I defiantly didn't feel it. Now everyone at school knew and they knew we were married too. We got strange looks from teachers, and I could defiantly feel the judgment, but Boston did not care at all.

His grandmother, Kathy was unbelievably pissed about us basically eloping. She wanted to plan a huge wedding, but I honestly wasn't ready for that. I'd rather have that when i'm older and graduated at least.

"Even more thrilling will be feeling the baby kick, which could happen starting this week, so pay attention to those subtle feelings in your 16 week pregnant belly," I read allowed. I was laying on my back and Boston was laying on his stomach, propped up on his elbows listening to me. "Another cool fact? Baby's starting to be able to hear your voice—and he or she will recognize it at birth—so feel free to chat baby up any chance you get," I gasped and put my phone down. "Boston, it's going to move! That's petrifying. And it can hear our voices!" I felt my eyes go wide.

He laughed, "That's so cool." He put a hand on my stomach. "Hi, baby, this is your father."

I laughed, "What are you doing?"

"I'm talking to it, shh. I can't wait until your here. I'm gonna teach you to play football and how to—"

"What if it's a girl?" I laughed, cutting him off.

"Girls can play football too," then he turned back to my stomach. "And if you are a girl i'm going to make sure you never date ever or you'll be grounded for life." I laughed at him again. "I sort of want it to be a girl."

"Really?" I asked, surprised at that.

"Yeah, I don't know. I'd be happy with either, but a girl would be fun. She'd be just like you."

"And a boy would be just like you, I can see it down, fighting and all," I teased.

"Hey, I haven't fought in, well three weeks."

"That's a record," I laughed. He rolled his eyes and brought his face down to mine, kissing me.

I was asleep when a feeling woke me up. A strange feeling, like i've never felt before. It was barely there. Just a small twinge in my stomach. I was confused and decided just to go back to sleep, when it did it again, this time harder.

"Boston," I shook him awake. It did it again.

"Hmm?" he asked without opening his eyes.

"Th-the baby is moving."

"Woah, what?" That made him open his eyes.

It did it again. It was a strange feeling. I don't even know how to describe it. "Woah," I said, my voice almost a whisper. I grabbed his hand and lifted my shirt, placing his hand right where I felt it the last time. Then we waited.

"Woah!" Boston jumped, pulling his hand back. "You're right, that's petrifying. I'm so glad girls carry the kids and not guys."

"This is so weird," I said putting my hand on the spot. It felt weirder on the inside. "How am I going to sleep now?"

Boston yawned. "Yeah, i'm really tired. Love you," he leaned over and pecked my lips before closing his eyes and going back to sleep.

I couldn't sleep. The feeling of it moving inside me was enough to freak me out forever.

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