"I'm sorry! It's just been crazy," I sighed.

"Yeah, sounds really fucking crazy."

Then an announcement came on over the speakers, silencing everyone in the gym. "If any males above the age of eighteen are thinking about joining the military we have a recruiter here to speak with you. Teachers please excuse anyone who is serious about this and have them come to the office at this time."

Well, I guess that's me. I stood up. "Woah, you're going into the military too? So am I!" Steven said, following me.

"Woah, well at least i'll know one person. What do you want to do?"

"Pretty sure I just want to go into the infantry," he shrugged. "My dad did it and his dad so it just seems like the right thing. What about you?"

"I have no clue. Re- Scarlett doesn't want me to, but I suck at everything else. I'm not smart enough to do any of that other shit."

"Yeah," he shrugged. We told coach we were leaving, he looked sort of surprised but just nodded his head and let us go.

So I guess this is it. This is the start of my future. Wow.

Scarlett's POV

I still can't freaking believe i'm married and a junior in high school. What would Mom think?

"Oh my God," Anna screeched from behind me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I shut my locker, turning to her. "What is on your hand?"

"Uh," I trailed off. Is Boston telling people? "I um..."

"Are you freaking engaged?"

"Uh... I well... We are, married," I winced.

"What?!" She practically screamed. "Why didn't you tell me? Wait, what? You're in high school still! How, w-why? Wait! Are you pregnant? Please tell me you're not pregnant."

"Would you lower your voice," I whispered, pulling her arm away from the crowds if girls. "I am."

She ran her hands through her hair. "You're what? Oh God."

"I'm pregnant."

"Oh my God," she started to pace slowly. "When did this fucking happen? You never tell me anything! You didn't even tell me when your mom left, now this!"

"Okay well, i'm twelve weeks—"

"You've known about this for twelve weeks!"

"No, I only found out month ago—"

"Well that makes it better," she rolled her eyes. "How did you let this happen?"

"It's not as bad as you think. We've talked about it and we know we're young, but I wouldn't change it any other way."

"So wait, you're excited about this?" I nodded and her eyes went wide. Then the bell rang, signaling we were late for class.

"C'mon, we will talk more later," I pulled her arm.

"Oh my God I cannot even believe this. How did this even happen?"

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