i love you 😘😘

Start from the beginning

After I stop crying I gave him a kiss on the cheek and said

"Sorry I shouted at you I just had something on my mind" I said looking into his brown eyes

"Its fine what are boyfriends for any way let's go before Zane sends clover and ash for us" said kai as hr grabbed my hand

I smile and we started walking bit when we came to the stairs we hear flash and clover talking so we stopped at the top of the stair and listen to them

(F =flash and C= clover)

F "so girl to girl who do you like in our group sins we are the only one here you a can tell me"

C "I will tell you if you tell me your after because it fine then and I know you teas me after"

F "fine 😒"

C "don't say it stupid but I like ash" 

this made Lloyd get mad and want to go talk to clover but kai grabbed him and his face said no

F " are you crazy you know that Lizzie is after him and I think there together but I will ask rain first because there friends"

Lloyd got anger because he know throws dragons owners and of course Skylar's dragon after Kai's (he knows all the dragon because he the green ninja)

C "so who's the lucky dragon is your crush"

F (blushing) "don't laugh but its Chikyū"

C "is the famous flash who not afraid of anything blushing"

F "NO"

Then flash started to Chase clover into the living room then kai let Lloyd go and Lloyd ran to the nearest wall and punched it making it crack

"Wow Lloyd she has a crush that all" said kai trying to calm him down

"Its not that do you know who Lizzie's and rains owners are?" I said try not to shout

"No" said kai

"They are Skylar and nya dragons and Lizzie is after ash if Lizzie is like her owner then she a bitch" I said punching the wall again

"Can other dragons come here?" Kai asked

I look at him strange for a minute then answer "yea there's a portal down stars in the dragon room with a door in front of it with two Chinese dragons on it one white the other black, why?"

Kai smile and said "tell them to come over and see what happens"

I nodded before walking down the stairs with Kai waking behind me

We entered the dining room to see everyone at the table waiting for us and Zane was just plating up the food

"What took you so long" ask jay sat next to Cole

"They were having special time together 😏😏" said Cole smirking

Making me blush and mai shout "no we weren't so shut it only because you want it with jay"

I just walk to the table and sat next t clover who was drawing in a book

"What are you drawing clover?" I asked looking at her

"Well I think of you as my mum so I draw a picture of me you and daddy kai" she said look at me with her sweet smile

"Awww that cute clover I think kia would like it" I said as kai sat down on the other side of clover

He smile at her then said "I'll like what?"

"Its of picture of me you and mummy Lloyd because you two are my family" she said before Zane came in with the food with help of ash and yuki

my little green nerd (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now