33. Girls Day Out

Start from the beginning

We continued to walk around and shop. It reached six thirty when we decided to get some dinner. We walked back to the Emilys car and put the shopping bags in the boot. We drove to a classy, but good night club that Leah had heard of, that was a 21 under club. I was glad she suggested to go there because it was actually really nice. The bar was tidy and so was the bartender who looked professional as he swiftly moved from one customer to another. There were booths and benches surrounding the perimeter of the club and tables for only two people in the middle. Towards the back of the club was a large dance floor with a stage for the DJ at the top. It was half full at the moment but I had a feeling it'd fill up. We took a seat in one of the booths and placed our orders to a waiter.

Remember when I said I had that feeling that the club would fill up? That feeling was correct. By ten thirty a DJ was pumping music and the dance floor was almost packed. Sweaty bodies filled the floor and already intoxicated people staggered around laughing hysterically.

"Hey Kira," Leah called. Over the day she'd become more comfortable and talkative which was good. "That guy keeps checking you out". I followed her gaze to a guy that sat at another booth with his friends. He looked native to La Push. His hair was shaggy and brown. His hair looked messy, but an attractive messy. I could make his eyes out as hazel colour and he looked nicely built. I would guess his age was nineteen, just guess.

"I think he is looking at you" I said to Leah.

"Nope, definitely you. He's walking this way" she said as Kim and Emily briefly looked over their shoulders and took a look. I looked at Leah worried that she was true and the guy was coming up to me. I didn't want to cause any problems between Paul and I right now and I knew this wasn't going to end well.

"Hi there" a masculine voice said from beside me. I instantly regretted sitting on the edge of the booth. I turned my head and realised he was in fact talking to me.

"Uh...h-hi" I stammered.

"I was wondering if I could buy you a drink?" He asked smiling very friendly. I looked at Emily and Kim for help, but they sat there holding back their own laughter. Great.

"Uh...I don't know. I have a-"

"C'mon it's just a drink" he insisted showing off his perfect white row of teeth. I sighed feeling slightly guilty.

"OK" I said giving in. I stood up and he guided me to the bar. I felt his hand on the small of my back and I looked over my shoulder at the girls narrowing my eyes at them. He pulled out a stool for me and sat on the one beside me.

"So sweetheart what's your name?"


"Your kidding right?" I asked nearly falling off of my stool in laughter.

"No I'm not!" Blake said laughing with me. I had learned that the guys name was Blake and he was actually really sweet and funny. A hand on my shoulder made me turn around and relax when I saw Emily standing there smiling.

"Hey, we have to go" she said.

"Oh OK" I said and looked over at Blake. I got off the stool and Emily walked to the exit. I smiled at Blake.

"Uh here you go" he said handing me a napkin. I unfolded it to find his number.

"Um thanks" I muttered and pulled out my phone, putting the number in my phone. I texted him a 'hey'.

"Hey, don't forget to call" he reminded opening his phone and smiling at me.

"Uh yeah."

"I'll hopefully hear or see you soon," he said hugging me. "After all La Push is so freakin' tiny". I chuckled at his words while we parted. He leaned down and kissed my cheek before I said my final goodbye and walked out of the exit to the car.

"He was cute" Kim commented from the front seat as Emily drove towards La Push.

"Yeah he was really funny as well," I said. "I'm sorry guys this was meant to be a girls day out and I just spent most of the night with some guy".

"It's OK" Kim and Emily said with a shrug.

"Paul will be pissed" Leah chimed in. I frowned at what she said. It's not like I made out with the guy, we just talked and had a laugh.

"There is no reason for him to be pissed. I didn't have sex with him!" I snapped. I frowned at my overreaction and looked back at Leah. "Sorry, I have no idea where that came from". She shrugged and looked out the window with a strange look.


"See ya!" Emily and Kim yelled waving as they drove off. I didn't see Leah wave but I didn't mind. I took my shopping bags inside and as I was about to walk up the last step to the door it swung open.

"Hey, babe" Paul greeted me. He noticed the bags and instantly leaped forward taking them out of my hand. I muttered a 'thank you' and walked into the house after him. "So how was it? Did you buy something nice?" He asked.

"I did actually," I smiled sending him a wink, "The day was good though. We went shopping first then went to a club for dinner" I told him following his into his room. I really should just call it our room considering I sleep here every night and all my clothes are here and my stuff is in the on suite.

"Club?" He asked placing the bags on the bed and turning to me.

"Yes. God, Paul have faith in me. I didn't do anything" I mumbled opening the bags and looking quickly through them. He sighed dropping the topic, which I was thankful for. Though the thought of telling Paul about my meeting with Blake crossed my mind.

"So," he paused and a smirk settled on his lips. "Are you going to show me what you bought? Preferably...now?" The corners of my lips twitched upwards into a smile. I picked up the bags and moved them in front of the drawers to be put away.

"I don't know..." I trailed turning around and leaning against the drawers. He got up and walked closer to me.

"Please?" I smiled and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I have to take my make up off" I rolled my eyes and walked off into the bathroom. I washed my face and removed the make up, sighing content as the cool water splashed on my face. I walked back out to get a tank top for bed.

"This is nice" Paul smirked holding one of the white lace bras I bought.

"Paul!" I scolded, leaping forward to take it from his hold.

"I don't think so" he chimed in moving his arm higher. I jumped up to get, but he kept his arm stiff. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"You know, I was going to put it on for you...but since you won't hand it over..."I trailed walking away.

"Kira!" He called. I turned around and raised a brow at him.


"I'll be waiting, but don't put your PJ's on" he said and sat on the edge of the bed. I looked over to the door and noticed a duffel bag resting beside it. I frowned looking back at Paul.

"What's the bag for? We leave for Australia in a day or two" I reminded him, confusion crossing over me.

"It's just an overnight thing, c'mon, change and I'll take you somewhere."

"Uh oh, should I be worried?" I teased walking into the bathroom. I changed from the clothes I wore today to a light tank top and leggings. I walked back out into the room and smiled at Paul who was lying on the bed comfortably.

"So...where are we going?" I asked. He looked over at me a smirked, swinging his legs off of the bed.

"Follow me" he said taking the duffel bag and my hand.

Bumps In The Road / Paul Lahote Where stories live. Discover now