Chapter 1

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Alright! First chapter is here. Right now, I'm listening to Battle Born by Five Finger Death Punch. It reminds me of Eric a lot. I suggest you listen to this song while reading any story about Eric. Begin!


"Airazela Matthews from Erudite." A man called out. I looked up, and stood up to follow him to a room.

When I entered, there was a seat with wires and cables that didn't look comfortable at all. The man who was in the room was covered in tattoos and piercings, obviously Dauntless. I sat in the chair and lay my head back, already knowing how this works.

"My name's Derek, I'll record your results at the end of the test. Drink this." He said simply, obviously not wanting any conversation. I took the small cup and tipped back the drink.


When I awoke, I was in a white room with two tables in front of me. One with cheese and one with a knife.

"Choose." I heard a voice say. Thinking about it, I picked up the knife confidently, knowing that in most situations, the knife is a much more logical choice.

The tables disappeared, and I heard behind me a low growling. Turning around, I saw a large dog with its teeth bared. It ran toward me, preparing to tackle me. Thinking quickly, I held the knife as I had read in books and stabbed the dog in the chest, killing it. The dog lay limp in my arms, and I let it fall to the floor.

"Doggy?" A voice said. Looking up, I saw a little girl looking at the dead dog. "What happened to the doggy? What did you do to it?" She asked insistently.

"It's dead." I stated. The child's expression turned dark, taking on a feral look.

"You killed the doggy." She whispered. "I'll kill you!" She ran towards me, arm outstretched and ready to grab me. I took the knife from the dog's chest, turned it in my hand, and through it at her.

The next few moments happened quickly. First, I saw blood spray from the girl's head, and then I woke up and saw the white room, remembering where I was.

"Congratulations, you got Dauntless!" Derek exclaimed, patting me on the back when I sat up. "I look forward to seeing you there, that is, if you choose us." He said, and then directed me to the hall.

"Ya, I'll see you there." I replied, already knowing my decision. He grinned, and waved goodbye to me as I exited the Abnegation building.

As I stepped out and into the streets, I saw a girl, my age, walking out the back door of the building. She looked conflicted, and scared. I turned away and pushed the girl into the back of my mind.


"How did your test go darling?" My mom asked in a sickly sweet voice. I looked at her, surprised that she wasn't angry or drunk right now.

"I can't speak about the test." I told her. She scowled, looking more like herself now, and turned to the door.

"I guess you can tell your father that, now can't you?" As she said this, my dad came in, drunk and angry, slamming the door behind him. His usually well-kept black hair was now messy and oily, a complete contrast to my mother's clean, pale blonde hair.

Luckily, I looked more like my mom than my dad, except for his slightly more muscular build, which I had gotten in a more feminine version. Besides that, I had my mom's pale almost white blonde hair and her icy blue eyes.

"Why aren't you listening to your mother?!" My dad yelled. "Answer her question and tell us your results!" I involuntarily shivered, mentally preparing for what was about to come.

"I'm sorry, but I am not aloud to share my results with anyone." I stated. His face turned a disgusting red, and he grabbed my arm with a vice grip and dragged me to my room.

"Stay there." He said, walking to the closet at the end of the hallway. He opened it, and took out an old belt which was covered in dried blood. He closed the door to my room and walked over to me like a wolf hunting it's prey.

At the first whip, I imagined the Dauntless, jumping off trains and wildly chasing each other, and imagined myself amongst them. I slowly began slipping into my mind, until eventually I couldn't feel the pain anymore.


I woke up as I heard the front door close, telling me that my parents had left for the bar. Despite the fact that they were drunkards, they had high positions in the government and thus lived in a very good part of the city.

We lived in a two story building with other two stories next to us. I got up and opened my window, jumping out and onto the roof next to ours. I continued this process of jumping off buildings until I came to the first three storied house. I jumped to a ledge on the side of the house and opened the window, stepping inside the brightly lit room. When I stepped in, my aunt was sitting there, having waited for me to come.

She stood up and guided me to the bed on the side of the window, having me take my shirt off and lie on my stomach. My well-developed breasts were concealed by a sports bra, which I always wore because I ran every morning and evening.

She went to the closet by the side of the bed and pulled out ointment and gauze. Without speaking, she spread the honey-like substance over the large gashes, and then covered it with the gauze.

When she was done, my aunt helped me sit up and then sat in the chair opposite of the bed.

"How was your test?" She asked, not talking about the wounds she had just covered.

It always happened like this. Every night after my beating I would come here and allow her to care for me, and then we would leave the subject and talk about our days.

"I got dauntless." I said, grinning. It was just as Aunt Jeanine predicted, that I would get Dauntless and not Erudite.

"Congratulations! I'm glad you got it. But you do understand what you have to do there, right?" She said, gazing at me with an air of authority.

"I understand. I will cooperate with Eric and play my part in this." I replied.

Everything was going as planned. I would get in Dauntless, find any Divergent initiates with Eric, and get a position of importance so that we could control Dauntless.

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