chapter five | the warm welcome

Start from the beginning

"Of course not. You actually like the class," Andrew said.

"You also got an Outstanding on it last year on your O.W.L.," Jacob added. "Want to do my homework this year?"

"Not a chance," Oliver replied, smiling a bit.

Jacob groaned. "Great, I'm screwed."

"You made an Acceptable on your O.W.L. for that subject. You seem to know a lot more than you think," Eliza pointed out.

"That's because I studied for it last year, believe it or not," he replied.

Violet scoffed. "I find it hard to believe that you actually know how to study."

Oliver chuckled, shaking his head. I'm glad I have friends that can make me laugh.

"Well, I'll just ask the new girl to do my homework for me, then," Jacob said.

"Good luck with that," Eliza responded, letting out a laugh. "She'll probably be following Malfoy like the rest of his friends."

Eliza had a point. That was all Draco's friends did. There was never a time when he was actually by himself. He always had someone with him. Clearly, privacy wasn't a thing for Draco and his friends.

The five of them walked to a carriage and hopped on, making more small talk. They stopped their chatting when they approached the castle. Even after six years, the view of their school took their breaths away.

"It sucks to think we won't see this view after we graduate," Violet spoke up.

"We can always come back, right?" Andrew asked.

"Definitely," Oliver answered, still looking up at Hogwarts.

When they reached the castle, the five got out of the carriage and went through the new security, which kind of threw everyone off. But once that was done, they made their way into the castle and into the Great Hall. The five then had to part ways since they were all in different Houses. Oliver and Violet were in Ravenclaw, Andrew and Eliza resided in Gryffindor, and Jacob was all by himself in Hufflepuff. Because Sarah was also in Hufflepuff, Jacob made sure to look out for her.

Oliver and Violet took their seats across from Padma Patil. During the Sorting, Oliver and Violet dozed off a bit, wanting to eat and go to the Ravenclaw Tower for the rest of the night. After the first years were all settled in, the food appeared on the table and everyone dug in.

The food was one of the many reasons why Oliver liked Hogwarts so much. He enjoyed stuffing his face until he was sick to eat any more of it. He was definitely going to miss the food once he left Hogwarts.

"Very best of evenings to you all!" Professor Dumbledore announced once the feast was almost over. "I would like to introduce a few people tonight. First off, we have a new student who just transferred from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Everyone, please welcome Mary Fowler, who has been Sorted into Slytherin House."

Oliver turned around and spotted Mary sitting down between Draco and Blaise. He wasn't surprised that Mary was in Slytherin House. The students applauded for her, then the clapping faded away a moment later.

"What a shock there," Violet muttered.

"Next, I'd like to introduce the newest member of our staff: Horace Slughorn." A man sitting beside Snape stood up and waved while the students applauded once again. "He has agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master. The post of Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape."

The Slytherins applauded while everyone else kind of looked at each other in confused looks. "Great. Now Jacob will have to study a bit more this year," Oliver commented, making Violet snicker.

Once the applause was over, Professor Dumbledore continued with his speech. "Now, as you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight, and you have the right to know why. Once, there was a young man, like you, who sat in this very hall, walked this castle's corridors, and slept under its roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name? Tom Riddle."

Everyone began to murmur and whisper when his name was mentioned. "Oh, great, here we go," Violet said.

"Today, of course, he's known all over the world by another name. Which is why, as I stand here, looking out upon you all tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Every day, every hour, this very minute, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls. But in the end, their greatest weapon is you."

Once the speech was finished, Professor Dumbledore sent everyone to bed. Oliver and Violet stood up with the other Ravenclaws and followed them out of the Great Hall.

"Well, that was cheerful," Violet told Oliver.

"Yeah, very," he added. "I think this year really will be an interesting year."


The Slytherin Dungeons reminded Mary of Malfoy Manor. It was dark and gloomy, much like Draco was acting like today. She wasn't sure how any Slytherin was able to enjoy staying down here.

"It's not too bad," Theodore Nott told Mary. "You get used to it."

When they reached the portrait, the Prefect gave it the password and led the Slytherins inside the Slytherin Common Room. The whole room was not as bad as Mary thought it would be. There were green and silver chairs with black tables and a nice fireplace as well. Overall, Mary found it less depressing.

"So, what do you think?" Pansy questioned Mary.

"It's okay," she answered. "Maybe this place won't be too bad."

"Good," Draco said from behind her. "Because this is your new home for the next nine months, Mary Fowler."

A/N: Wow! Finished this chapter really quick!

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A/N: Wow! Finished this chapter really quick!

Today is Oliver's birthday, which is why I'm updating! August 7th is Andrew's birthday, so I'll update on that day as well.

What do you think so far? Let me know!

Song above is Cannonball by Skylar Grey ft. X Ambassadors.

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