chapter three | weasleys' wizard wheezes

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The next day, Oliver, Eliza, and Andrew went to Diagon Alley to get the supplies they needed for their sixth year. Oliver was surprised that he even had enough money to get his supplies. Every year, he had to dip into what he had at Gringotts for his school supplies. It was Oliver's aunt, who was a witch, that had left him money in the vault the Campbells owned before she passed away from a serious illness. Andrew was able to access his vault once he turned eleven, where his parents left just enough for Andrew before they died.

"Can you believe it? Next year we'll come back here one last time to get our supplies," Eliza said when they got to Diagon Alley. "Remember the first time we came here?"

"Ugh, that felt like a century ago," Andrew said. "We're getting old."

Eliza smiled and put each arm around Oliver and Andrew. "At least we're getting old together."

Oliver and Andrew smiled at this as they walked towards Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. The three had never been inside the shop, but they were eager to see how much the Weasley twins had accomplished ever since they dropped out of Hogwarts only a few months ago.

When the three entered inside the shop, they were hit with the bright colors that were all over the store. The shelves were full of candies and snacks, the same ones the twins sold to students last year, along with new toys and inventions. Of course, Oliver, Eliza, and Violet never bought any. However, Andrew and Jacob would buy some and then made numerous attempts to get Oliver and the girls to eat some, trying to pass it as candy. But the three weren't fooled one bit.

"This is amazing!" Eliza exclaimed, smiling at everything she was seeing.

"Oi! There's Jake and Vi!" Andrew announced, pointing at a stand that contained many potions on it.

Sure enough, Jacob and Violet were standing there with all of the potions in front of them. It almost looked like they were arguing with each other again. That was all they seemed to do whenever they were hanging out.

When the trio got closer, Jacob and Violet were going back and forth with Jacob's inappropriate comments, followed by Violet's snarky remarks. "I'm telling you, Vi, this is what you need!" Jacob said to Violet in a teasing way, pointing at the bottle in his hand.

"The only thing I need is for you to stop saying such nonsense!" she retorted.

"Oh, please. All you do is talk nonsense. Besides, you like hearing my voice."

Violet rolled her eyes at him and shook her head. Her face brightened up when she saw her friends walking her way. She ran up to the trio and gave each of them a tight hug. "It feels like forever since we last saw each other!" she exclaimed.

"You must tell me about Italy!" Eliza replied, linking arms with Violet.

"It's good to see you two!" Jacob said as he hugged Andrew, then Oliver. "America would've been more fun if you lot were there with me."

"There's always next year," Andrew responded, smiling at Jacob.

Oliver let out a scoff. "If the war doesn't kill us first."

Jacob playfully shook his head. "I'm glad to see that you haven't changed, Ollie."

Jacob's family were known by all wizards and witches all around the world. His grandfather, Newt Scamander, made a name for himself in the 1920s. He went to America and ended up meeting his wife. Jacob's first name wasn't Jacob. It was actually William, but he didn't like it, so he decided to go by his middle name, but only his close friends called him Jake. His grandparents told him Jacob was a No-Maj they met in America and became good friends with him. Jacob didn't boast about his fame, because he didn't really care.

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