Hamlet is the story of a dead guy

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Have you ever read Hamlet? If you haven't you're missing out. It's one of the great stories in the history of man honor, murder, existentialism. So much existentialism. At the end of the day everyone eventually has to decide what type of person that they're going to be. Was I going to be the type of person who watched Bernice get torn limb from limb without trying to save her? 

As it turns out, I was. I was just like Hamlet, which is why it's such a great play. Because we all eventually wind up in a Hamlet type situation, trying to decide if it's better to act or to just sit around eating potato chips while your dad is killed and ends up marrying your uncle or your neighbor is eaten or not. To be or not to be, right? It's funny because I was just saying that maybe I was born to shovel things in the head and now I'm saying that I'm not, but such is life, right? One minute you're a king and the next you're a fool.

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