♤two : mirrors♤

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♤two : mirrors♤

I woke up in a white hospital bed. Why not red like my arm? Holy crap, why was my arm red?? Oh, it was just a cast. Wait, what!? A cast? I had never broken a single bone in my entire life...! I started freaking out. Questions raced through my mind, and I still didnt understand what I was doing in the hospital---and with a cast---and then I remembered. The nurse came in, and I paused, still breathing heavily like a physco.

I was really hurt, she said. I didn't really care what had happened, but I sure felt the pain. All I cared about was what was going on. I needed so many questions answered. I started rambling them off as fast as I could manage. Where are my parents? Are you sure they were dead? Who's going to pay for all of this? Why did this happen? Where was I going to go? As calmly as possible, the nurse explained that my family would tell me.

Like, uhm, excuse me what?

I went berserk.



Every single word a scream, rushing out of my mouth. It felt great to let it out, yet each word was a punch to my gut.

Strangling anyone and anything I lost control. I wasn't me anymore. As much sense as that makes. My sweaty palm slapped the door open and I raced out into the open air. The surveillance cameras traced, recorded and remembered my every move. My bones felt rusted as I clanked through the halls like a humanoid robot. There! A bathroom sign. I had to have some sanity left in me. Deep within, somewhere, I knew some was there. All I had to do was look.

Into the mirror I gazed.

I looked and saw a crazed maniac filled with rage and hatred. The mirror showed a person who would kill. The mirror showed a human that had tough skin and a game face that seemed so realistic that it wasn't a game. The mirror reflected a psychopath, ready to attack. That image in the mirror was not me.

It couldn't be.

I was in a trance. Look away, look away!! I inwardly screamed. Run!

Yet, I did not listen.

How could I?

Before I knew it, a purple oozing serum was being injected into my arm by a white masked figure.

As I became unconscious, I once again pondered why everything was white.

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