Imagine 2: Sick Ivan

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You were looking forward to the day ahead as pretty much the entire of the Team 10 house were going out to the beach. Yesterday you decided on the plan to stay at home and edit your videos for the next few days so you could stay organised.

In the constant chaos of the house you appreciated the quiet days to just relax and get some work done.

Rolling over out of your bed you padded across your room at the far end of the hall, placing a silk kimono over your body to cover your lingerie.

Grabbing a water from your mini fridge you started to walk down the hall.

A sudden quick pace of footsteps caught your attention as you heard someone urgently run towards what you assume was the bathroom down the hallway.

*puking noise & coughing *

You stopped in your tracks, hearing one of the Martinez twins gagging and throwing up in the bathroom to the right of you.

You instantly ran towards the door.

Lying next to the toilet was a pale Ivan. You could tell by his quiffed up hair, and the way his cheeks lightly flushed red whenever he saw you as they always would which was different to Emilio- he was never as interested in your presence.

Even in his pale state, the light colour of red spread lightly to Ivan's cheeks but the life in him didn't seem to rise.

" Ivan! Are you okay?" you sounded super concerned which was totally real, you and the twins were one of the closest friend groups in the house.

You could tell he seemed embarrassed, his hair was messily sticking to his face and the bathroom smelt considerably sicky after what just happened.

" I'm fine" he barely hummed " I don't want you to get sick Y/N please, leave me. Go get Chad"

" Chad's already left Ivan, he went with Emilio" you respond.

As a child, whenever the sickness bug hit your family it would terrify you. You avoided all contact with any family member that was sick. You hated it. But today, seeing Ivan so helpless and weak on the floor it didn't even cross your mind.

Walking over to Ivan you began to soothe him.
" Come here I'm gonna help you whether you want me to go or not!" You lightly tease.

He struggles a small smile as you pull him up from the floor and sit him on the closed toilet lid.

Reaching into the cupboard you grab a small cotton towel and rinse it with cold water.

" This will cool you down" you lightly comment, you got closer to him, smoothing the towel over his forehead and brushing his hair back off his face.

You ran your fingers through his mini individual curls accentuating them. Ivan's eyes began to flutter, he was clearly relaxed by your touch and you found it adorable.

Normally Ivan would be more reserved around you, you guessed it was because he was shy. But now he was sick the barrier fell, and he had no way of keeping a safe distance from you.

"Let's get you to bed" you interrupt his trance and put his arm around your shoulder guiding him into the room he shared with Emilio, Chance and Anthony.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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