579 45 15

/365 days/

8 new messages

3 missed calls

2 new voicemails

"Holy shit, dude." I jumped slightly at the sudden noise, then scrambled to dismiss the notifications and shove my phone into my pocket. Margo was looking over my shoulder as I stood before the fridge, rummaging for something to eat. She somehow managed to escape my attention, despite the fact that she'd been chewing her food very loudly. I cringed as she bit into her apple right next to my ear. Then, with a full mouth, said, "Looks like someone's trying to get a hold of you. Is it Bridget?"

I shook my head as I took a step away to distance myself. "No, I've actually been trying to contact her. Things kinda ended abruptly." Which had technically been our agreement. Still, I hadn't expected her to fall off the face of the earth.

Margo now found the courtesy to swallow her food before continuing. "Mm, yeah. That was pretty weird." She bobbed her apple in her hand as she nodded. "How are things with you and Dodie?"

I leaned back slightly on the counter, thankful that she dropped the missed calls. "Really good, actually. She's moving out next week, and I think it'll be good for both of us."

It was the truth. I still felt giddy inside thinking about her, and I had to suppress the grin monopolizing my face. Today Dodie was with her family. She was taking her little sister out for lunch.

"Have you guys. . . you know?" She made the scissoring symbol with her hands.

"God, Margo, no! She just got out of a serious and unhealthy relationship. We're taking it slow."

She twisted her face as she contemplated. "Would you even be together if you were really taking things slow?"

I groaned. "Not you, too. I've already got Tom to play the part of devil's advocate. Can nobody just be happy for us?"

"I'm just looking out for you."

I rolled my eyes. "The beginning wasn't really the beginning with us. I think we were both waiting for the right time, but all the dominos had to fall first."

"Ok, ok, star crossed lovers. Don't get all mushy on me."

I ignored the comment and returned to the fridge, quickly picking out some left over pizza. "How're you and Xander?"

"Great! Which reminds me why I came out to pester you in the first place. He's coming over in a few hours. I dunno if you wanna be here when he does."

I began walking to my room. "I'll shut myself in and plug my ears. Don't forget to clean the couch when you're done." I made it through my doorway, then reappeared for a final comment, waving my finger to emphasize each syllable. "Use protection."


I lay face down on my bed. I hadn't been spending too much time in my own room, as Dodie was using it for the time being. I'd almost forgotten the smell: slightly floral from the perfume I often wore. But now I could pick up a few different smells. I was never particularly good at naming scents, but it was discernibly Dodie.

The cold pizza was long gone, and I had homework to do, but the thought of doing nothing was too appealing.

I had my music turned up to drown out Margo's, so much so that I wouldn't have heard Dodie enter my room if not for the swell of sultry music from the living room as she opened the door. Her eyes were wide as she quietly shut the door behind her.

I shot up in my bed. "Shit! I forgot to text you."

"Yeah," she laughed, seemingly flustered. "A heads up wouldn't have hurt."

I raised my eyebrows, urging her to explain, removing my earbuds. She sat beside me on the bed. It took her a minute of giggling to calm down.

"I walked in, and Margo was standing there in a trench coat. Only a trench coat. She was definitely expecting someone else." She flushed. "She had some major cleavage going on." She covered her face as she laughed once more, and I joined her.

"Oh my god, was she mad?"

"No, but she shooed me into here." Dodie wiped her eyes on her sleeves. falling backwards onto my bed. She peaked at me from between her fingers, a grin growing on her face. "I kinda dig the music, though." It was muffled from my room, but still audible.

"Oh?" I stood, turned on a lamp and shut off my light for dimmer lighting. I bowed before Dodie. May I have this dance?"

It wasn't dancing music. And it most definitely wasn't music to slow dance to. But we did so anyway.

Neither of us really knew how to dance, so we kinda just swayed. Dodie was slightly taller than me, so she had her hand on my waist and led, if shuffling in the same spot could have a lead.

"How was your day?" I hummed.

"Good. I told my family about you."

"How'd you describe me? I hope you under-sold me. I wouldn't want to disappoint when you deem me fit to actually meet them," I teased, despite the twisting in my stomach. Meeting the parents was a rather daunting thought for me. I was relieved when Dodie hadn't suggested for me to come with.

She scoffed. "Shut up. I didn't want to put you on the spot. And I only spoke the truth." She leaned in and kissed me on my forehead. "Tell me about your family."

I froze. I should've anticipated a question like this, but it threw me for a loop. "Not much to tell." I tried playing it cool, but I had to force the words out. "I haven't spoken to them for a few years."

Dodie eyebrows scrunched together. "What happened?"

I breathed shakily. "Can this be a conversation for another day? I don't really want to talk about it right now."

She looked troubled, but nodded. "Yeah, of course." She gave me a half smile. I thought about how I loved her genuine, toothy grins so much more.

I spun her around, eager to ditch my pity party. She squealed as I spun her a second time. We returned to swaying with a lighter mood.

Dodie bit her lip. "You think they're fucking?" she whispered.

"Mm," I pondered. I couldn't hear anything explicit, but the music was also pretty loud. "Not yet. Just foreplay."

Dodie frowned as she mulled it over, tapping her fingers on my waist in thought. "She's having Xander over? The guy from the beach?" I nodded. "He didn't strike me as a foreplay guy."

"You're right. They're fucking." I leaned my head on Dodie's shoulder. "You know, I wouldn't have met you if Margo hadn't kicked me out for her. . . endeavors. I wasn't planning on going to Tom's party that night."

I listened to our feet dragging across the floor as she was silent for a moment. "I wasn't either. I think I'd been fighting with Charlie that night, and gone to the party on a whim."

I lifted my head to read her expression. To my surprise, she was smiling. "What are the odds?"

I thought back to that night. A few months ago I spilled my drink on a pretty girl. We'd been stranger's, and I asked to record her. Since then I'd been vying for her attention. And now I had it. I smiled to myself. "I don't know. But I think I like them."

if you guys are interested in reading some poems of mine, you can check out my new poetry book, spare change.

ty for reading and commenting ! I love reading what you have to say <3

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