Impatient People

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It really annoys me how people just get so grouchy when they're impatient. I mean, it's not anyone's fault you have a lack of basic virtues. So don't take it out on people who are 'taking too long' when they're just doing things at a normal pace.

For example, today I went, along with my class, to a museum. At this museum, we had to sign in with our cards to get into a health exhibit. This girl behind me, who I just consider a peer, decided to go all sassy on me, just because I was 'taking too long'. I mean, I was there for what? A minute? And she decides to sass, "You know it's touch screen, right?" And she said it like I was a damn 5 year old.

Then, one of my teachers, who I don't quite like, decides to follow the path of that girl, saying, "You should move faster. There are other people in line."

Really? The whole process takes about 3 minutes. So you can't tell me to 'move faster' when I've only done a third of what I need to do. I wasn't just taking my sweet time when there were 10 kids behind me. 

Jjust because I don't do a crappy job at what I do, like some people, doesn't mean I deserve to be rushed. And guess what? The people who are telling me to 'hurry up' are the ones who take their oh-sweet-time.

It just makes me wanna punch them. Not all impatient people, because I'm quite an impatient person myself, just the impatient people who act mean about it. Even though I'm impatient, I don't go around rushing people who are doing what they need to do. I just keep quiet about it.

But I also get so annoyed when people take so long to do something that takes half the amount of time they do it in, just to annoy peeps waiting for them to finish. Trust me, it works. And I just wanna plain punch people like that.

Okay...I think you get the point.

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