"I'm his sister." I was quick to say, daring her to utter another word.

She nodded lightly,"He's just been stabilized. He came in in terrible condition, but for now, you can go see him. He should be asleep. Room  304." She concluded.

My heart thumped in my chest as I dragged Harry behind me to the room, hearing him mumble a quick thanks to the lady. I puffed out a breath, feet tapping at the ground impatiently in the elevator. Harry's fingers never left mine. He alternated between gently squeezing, and pressing soft kisses, and I couldn't be more grateful for his presence.

I practically pushed us out the door. I didn't even listen when Harry grunted softly in protest, still following closely behind anyway.

"We're here," Harry whispered. My mouth went dry when we came to a stop in front of the room. The room that contained my brother's almost lifeless body. My brows scrunched up when Harry turned my body 180 degrees, bringing me to face another room that clearly said '304'. Oh. Alright then.

Where was I? Right, the room that contained my brother's almost lifeless body. I knew it wouldn't possibly be even half as bad as I imagined it. But since I'd been given the opportunity, why not make the most of it?

"I'll wait here," Harry spoke quietly, nudging my shoulder as he nodded towards the door to encourage me to go in.

"No." I spoke immediately. If I was going in, he was coming with me. Harry's eyes softened, and he nodded lightly. He leaned against the wall beside the room, waiting for me to compose myself.

I sucked in a breath when I pushed the door open, and immediately, I felt Harry's fingers fix between mine. I walked in unsurely, taking note of the white walls. The place disgusted me. It was like he was already dead, everything white. I let out a sob when I took in the sight in front of me.

Scott was lying down, fingers gently relaxed with his eyes closed and his soft, even breaths. I thanked God silently that he was still alive and breathing. My hand slipped from Harry's, and he stayed in place, watching me from a distance. I appreciated that he knew when I needed space, and when I needed his comfort.

"Oh, God." I mumbled as I looked at my brother. The parts of his face that weren't covered with the oxygen mask were covered in stitches. My eyes darted to the machine. At this moment, that was all my brother had. Holding on to his dear life that depended on the machine, and in any second, if it went faulty, it took his life with him.

Scott wore a see-through hospital gown, and I  laughed quietly, knowing he'd be disgusted to be wearing this again. His hair was brushed up, a bandage tightly wrapped around his forehead.

What had they done to him?

What did he do to deserve this?

In the past, Scott had been brought here a couple of times. He was a street fighter, and a few of his matches had ended up with him here, lying in a bed like this with this stupid robe that made him look like he was about to die. I let out a soft sigh, brushing my fingers through his hair.

His torso was covered in bandages, and his entirety just made my heart clench in my chest. He wasn't going to leave me. It wasn't possible. He'd fight his way out of this, just like he always did.

I turned around when a nurse came in. I recognized the dark hair and blue eyes easily. We'd met too many times for me not to.

"Zoe," I acknowledged.

"Look who's back again." She rolled her eyes, smiling sadly at me.

"Is it bad?"

She paused,"It's pretty serious this time." She stated the truth, making me choke on a sob,"But it's nothing Scott hasn't been through. He'll pull through."

I nodded, trying to convince myself that her words were true. "Would you happen to know who called me? I mean-"

"She was Scott's friend, apparently. Though, by the looks of her tears, it's probably more than just that." She chuckled while she made notes, checking things on him and the machine before recording them.

"Speaking of which," She continued,"Who is this?" She said before she pointed at Harry with a soft smile.

"He's a friend?" I almost asked myself,"His name is Harry." We both turned to look at him, and he smiled shyly before looking down at the ground.

"What exactly is wrong with him?" I finally asked.

"He was beaten up, severely. He was unconscious when he came in, barely breathing. He's got internal bleeding. He took a hit in the ribs and the head. They messed him up pretty bad."

"Will he be okay?"

"He'll be perfect." Zoe reassured,"Just leave him to rest for a while, yes?" She began exiting the room, leaving us in silence.

I nodded to myself and pressed a kiss to my brother's forehead. I looked up at Harry to see him watching me. He blushed and looked away, leaning his head against the wall.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room, resting against the wall.

"Harry-" I started.

"It's okay, Amelia. I shouldn't have gone off on you like that." He murmured while playing with his fingers.

"No," I whispered, raising his face to mine,"I'm so sorry. You're absolutely right, you can be friends with whoever you want. I'm just-" I paused,"Scared." I concluded with a cringe,"I don't want you to fall for her. Your relationship makes me so mad, and the fact that you've been friends forever, way before me, and she likes you," I scowled,"I'm jealous Harry. I want you to be mine, and mine alone."

Harry's dimples dented his cheeks and I rolled my eyes at his smile,"I'm yours." He whispered,"All yours."

And that's how we ended up making out in the hallway of a hospital, right in front of my brother's room while he lay there unconscious.

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