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I woke up to the sound of whispering voices. I opened my eyes to see the blaring sun and as they teared up I could see the undeniable figures of both Ben and Tristan stood over me. "What are you doing?" I asked my voice quiet as the headache was now beginning to kick in "shh" one of the boys said "this is a dream" I could hear the two chuckling "yeah nice try" I whispered as I sat up from my seat on the floor. 

When I sat up I noticed three things; 

1. My top half was only covered by my bra as I was no longer wearing a top

2. Carl was sleeping beside me... also topless

3. Elliot was sleeping not too far away also topless

"What are you gonna do to them?" I asked Ben and Tristan "I dunno yet, any idea's?" Ben asked me and I looked towards the two boys that were both clearly passed out surrounded by empty bottles that I knew I had helped them drink. I giggled as an idea came to mind "have you brought superglue with you?" I asked Ben "of course" he replied "what are you thinking?" Tris asked pointing the camera towards me "well two things, the first is where the fuck is my top and the second is that stupid stunt in jackass where they glue weeman to Preston except we glue their backs together cause that requires less effort to move them" I said whilst searching around the room for my top as Ben and Tristan pull the rug off of Carl. 

As they removed the rug from the two boys we found that Carl was holding my top in the hand that wasn't hand cuffed to a bottle of wine "what the-" I cut myself off grabbing my top from his hand and putting it back on before helping the boys to move Carl so that he was on top of Elliot and the superglue that was all over his back. 

After we had finished gluing them together Tristan and I got into Ben's car and waited for him to finish picking up the empty bottles before he made his way to the car as well. "So what exactly did you three get up to yesterday?" Ben asked me turning to the back seat where I was sat, Tristan following his view with the camera "honestly?" I asked him "yeah honestly" he laughed "I have no idea" I replied joining him on the laughter "why did Carl have your top?" Tristan asked "and again I have no idea"I said pulling a confused face as Tris joined in with the laughing before Ben put our attention onto Carl and Elliot who were making their way out of the building still stuck to each other and falling into a bush making us all fall into hysterical laughter.

We continued to follow the pair to Tesco after which they were making their way down the main road only for us to drive past them "hey Carl you having a nice ride there?" Ben yelled out the window. Both the boys turned to us as Elliot began running towards the car "stay there!" they were yelling towards us "(Y/N)?" Carl yelled spotting me in the backseat as I was in a fit of uncontrollable laughter watching the two struggle. "Where the heck are you going now?" Ben yelled to Elliot as the two made their way into Marge's house "what?" Elliot yelled back not hearing him "why are you going into Marge's you pair of donk's" "need to get some stuff then were going" he yelled back as I started laughing once more. 

"We should probably go in right" I asked almost in tears of laughter "yeah" both Ben and Tristan agreed as we made our way out of the car and towards Marge's house. "Why do we still make these video's Tristan?" Ben asked "like why are we still doing them?" he continues but begins to laugh before either of us could respond. We walked into the house to see both Carl and Elliot attached to each other struggling to sit on the sofa causing us all to begin laughing again, "this is not funny" Elliot said with a straight face as we all just laughed louder "Carl get up" he yelled as they both began struggling again. 

"Tristan help us" Elliot demanded as Tristan was stood filming them "and you" he yelled towards me as I laughed "I can't believe you were in on this" he yelled "how could you?" Carl joined in as I carried on laughing at them "it was her idea" Tristan announced "shut up Tris you're not meant to tell them that" I said whacking his arm for selling me out. After Marge unsuccessfully attempted to separate the two boys we all made our way towards Ben's car. "How are we all supposed to fit?" I asked considering Carl and Elliot would take up the entirety of the back seats "you'll just have to sit on Tristan's lap" Ben said "what?" I said at the same time as another voice, I looked towards Carl confused as did everyone else "I can see why she would have a problem with it by why would you?" Tristan asked eyeing Carl suspiciously "I don't" Carl yelled and a little to quickly to make it believable and yet we all shrugged and got into the car anyway.

We sat in the living room of Ben and Elliot's grandparents house as Carl and Elliot tried to take a shower whilst still attached to each other. So far they had made it up the stairs and into the bathroom before suddenly "(Y/N)". I sighed as they yelled my name "do I wanna know" I asked as I stood up and made my way upstairs and towards the bathroom. "What do you want?" I asked eyeing them both suspiciously "Um..." Elliot said so I looked towards Carl "uh could you I mean we need you to" he paused for a second "take our trousers off" I just looked at him for a second before laughing "just this once" I said still laughing as I made my way towards Carl first and moving to stand in front of him so that I could unbutton his jeans. I could see his face growing visibly redder as I continued to laugh as I took his trousers off completely I looked him in the eye and winked cheekily causing him to become even more red before I moved onto helping Elliot. "By the way you guys are welcome" I said laughing as I made my way back downstairs in tears of laughter. 

"Nan I think it's a new found love if I'm honest with you" Ben explained laughing "what was you two doing upstairs?" Nana asked as we all began giggling "having a shower" Elliot yelled as if she were stupid "why didn't you tell us that you were coming out?" she replied beginning to take the piss out of them "we just come out" he yelled back "yeah, yeah not that way" she said as Ben burst out laughing "well we've just come from upstairs" Elliot began to yell but was cut off by Carl "ah she thinks were gay" he explained to Elliot who still hadn't got the joke "what? NO" Elliot yelled. 

We had now followed Carl and Elliot to the pub where Elliot was supposed to be meeting his date. "It's not what it looks like" Carl tried to explain just as Elliot yelled "what are you looking at you simple bitch" only to get wine thrown at him as we filmed the event occurring. When they came out we decided that now was the time to detach them from each other, so we went over to them and poured superglue remover down their backs as they slowly began to move apart.

"So this was your idea?" Carl asked me as he leaned on the car next to me "what? no" I responded a little too quickly as I began to run away from him. I could hear him chasing after me but I was running out of breath so I slowed down slightly. Big mistake. Carl was able to grab me from behind spinning me round to look at him, our faces inches apart. "So" I said breathlessly "So" he replied before we both began leaning in.

brofos and baes imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora