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I was just getting ready to settle down and watch some TV when suddenly 'You're Welcome' from Moana began to play from my phone signalling that it was ringing. I checked the caller ID seeing it was my best friend Ben and answered "(Y/N)" he shouted down the phone in an excited tone "yes Ben?" I giggled at his enthusiasm "Meet me at the coffee shop were gonna prank Elliot" he replied and I could hear the grin in his voice "okay see you in five" I spoke equally as happy before hanging up and making my way to the car.

I pulled up to Costa to see Ben and Carl stood outside waiting for me, so I locked my car and wandered over to them pulling my cardigan tightly around my body wishing I had thought of bringing a coat with me like the boys had. "(Y/N)" Ben grinned holding his arms out towards me before pulling me into a hug and walking us into the coffee shop. We all sat down at a little table in the corner "so what are we doing here?" I asked taking a seat next to Ben as Carl began filming Ben 's explanation as I felt him take my hand under the table holding it in his as he spoke. 

"Were gonna lock Elliot in the toilet for overnight me-" Ben explained as I cut him off "are we really?" I asked laughing as Carl held up the keys to the toilet "oh this is gonna be fun" I said getting excited. We watched as Elliot walked into the toilets and giggled as Carl followed him to lock the door. Ben turned to me and grinned as he filmed the events that were occurring. 

When it was time for Costa to shut we all left Carl making his way home to sleep so that he was ready to film again in the morning as he'd be back for seven am. Whilst Ben and I make our way to his car feeling that since we locked Elliot in we better stay here to make sure too bad happens. Once we were in the car I begin filming him doing his notification shout outs. After about a couple hours of talking I began to feel tired. "Don't you dare fall asleep on me (Y/N)" Ben warned "IT's not my fault you're not doing anything entertaining enough to keep me awake" I  joked closing my eyes for a minute waiting for Ben's sarcastic response that never came. I opened my eyes wary of Ben's silence only to see him staring at me "what?" I asked him. 

"You're beautiful"

"Wha-?" I was cut off by Ben's lips covering mine. I felt what I could only explain as passion and lust as we kissed, my hands making their way to his neck as his make their way slowly up my top. This continued for almost an hour before someone knocked on the window before getting in the car "well don't you two seem cosy" Carl joked before we went to go and let Elliot out of the toilet. 

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