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A/N Just casually listening to 'The War'. I love this album so much. Sehun has found his lines people! He's improved so much, I'm so proud of him. <3 

+ Xiumin with black hair = <3<3<3


Mi Sun's POV

I walk to the lounge at the back of the cafe, looking for Eun Ji. She wasn't in the lounge, so I looked in the kitchen and sure enough, there she was.

"There you are! Myung Ok isn't here today so can you work at the counter please? Thanks!" she says whilst mixing a new brownie batch. "She does a double take when she sees my bare face. "Put on your makeup Mi Sun," she says sternly, turning back to the mixer.

"But -" I start to protest.

"No buts."

I sigh and head to the workers bathroom to access the mirror. Makeup is part of our uniform. Not just light makeup. Really, REALLY heavy makeup. I hate makeup. I don't mind it on other people, but on me, it changes me completely. When I'm done I can't even recognize myself.

I walk back into the cafe, standing behind the counter waiting for customers. I check the clock - 1:25. The lunch rush. Yay.

***A few hours later***

I am absolutely exhausted. My first time working at the counter and I get the lunch rush. I am just resting my head on the counter when I hear a cough. I look up and see 8 (Lay's in China) young looking men wearing masks. Ominous.

"Hi! Welcome to Eun Ji's! How can I help you?" I say in an enthusiastic voice. It's in the job description. All I want to do right now is sleep.

"Bubble tea please!", "Black coffee", "Please may I have -" I hear all at the same time. I interrupt them.

"One at a time please." I say politely, and they proceed to tell me their orders.

Xiumin's POV

We enter the cafe and approach the counter, where the worker is half asleep on the counter. Suho coughs and she looks up lazily. She suddenly straightens up and smiles at us enthusiastically. 

  "Hi! Welcome to Eun Ji's! How can I help you?" she says brightly. Her smile doesn't reach her eyes.

I take the time everyone takes to order as an opportunity to observe the worker. She looks pretty, but she has really, REALLY heavy make up on. Her hair is braided down her back and her sparkly eyes are focused on her notebook as she writes down orders.

"Excuse me? Can I take your order?" she says. I then realize that she is looking right at me.

"Oh! Urrr..." I then realize that I haven't even looked at the menu yet. As I quickly scan the menu, I hear her gasp.

"I know you."

Mi Sun's POV

I've taken all the orders except one. And that person is staring at me. I feel like I recognize those eyes... 

"Excuse me? Can I take your order?" I ask politely.

"Oh!" He breaks out of his trance-like state and looks at the menu. "Urrr..." Where have I seen him from? I have definitely seen those eyes before. As I think, something catches my eye. A plaster on his forehead. In exactly the same place as the guy in the... Wait a minute!

"I know you." It's him!

All of the men sigh. Huh?

"Doesn't everyone?" One of them says.

"Don't tell anyone please, we're trying to keep a low profile," the guy who I presume to be the leader whispers to me. What?

"What do you mean?" I say.

It's their turn to be confused now. "I only know him." I point to the guy with the plaster. The guy from the alleyway. Kim Minseok. "Kim Minseok" I add.

With that, they all look at Minseok. Who is still looking at the menu.

The leader, I heard one of them call him Suho, clicks his fingers in front of Minseok's face. "Huh?" he exclaims whilst looking at Suho.

"Do you know her?" Suho asks him.

Minseok looks at me, shakes his head and looks back at Suho. "Why? Am I meant to?" he says. They all look at me again. How can he not recognize me? It happened yesterday!

Oh. I've just realized why he can't recognize me. I'm wearing makeup. I told you I look like a completely different person with it on. I wasn't wearing any yesterday because I always take it off after my shifts.

I look up at the clock and see that my shift is over. I look around the cafe and there are no customers apart from the boys.

"Wait a minute," I say and run to the lounge. I grab my makeup wipe and quickly take off all my makeup. I hang up my apron and grab my bag. I run back to the cafe where the boys are still waiting. Before I go up to them, I see that they are all questioning Minseok. I smile as I walk up to the counter. "Minseok!" I say as I get to the counter.

All of the boys heads turn towards me apart from Minseok's. All of their jaws drop. I can tell through the masks. Minseok is still looking at the floor.

"Minseok!" I say a bit louder.

With that his head snaps up.

"Mi Sun?"



The last chapter of the day!

I think that's a good place to end it.

Love you all, see ya! <3<3<3

Love you all, see ya! <3<3<3

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